11 Reasons That January Is The Best Time Of Year To Be Single

Let's start as we mean to go on.

So you’ve found yourself flying solo into the new year, and you’re feeling like the world has really fucked you over. 

Why now, and not in the summer when everyone is having holiday flings with Greek lifeguards? In January, we were really relying on having someone to be our human hot water bottle. 

But here are 11 reasons why being single in January might just be the best thing to happen to you in 2017. 

1. You can kiss anyone at midnight on NYE. 

The possibilities are endless.

2. If you have just been through a breakup, you leave it in 2016.

New year, new single me. 

3. You have still got enough time to find a Valentine.

It’s not like you’re single in February...

4. You will be surrounded by lots of other singles. 

With relationship splits peaking on 11 December the dating pool just got bigger.

5. You are more likely to be at home with family for moral support. 

Good timing. 

6. You have more time to go to the gym.

You’re going to boss those resolutions.  

7. You can focus all your energy on what you want from 2017.

It’s time to be selfish.

8. You can totally legitimise not wanting to leave your sofa. 

At least for a few weeks. 

9. You can set the thermostat at the temperature you want.

There’s only one body temperature to consider round here.   

10. You are less likely to have drunk rebound sex that you regret.

Dry January saving us from ourselves.

11. You can start making exciting plans to fill the next 12 months.

Bring it on 2017.