Restless Leg Syndrome 'Linked To Health Problems Such As Lung And Endocrine Disease'

Restless Leg Syndrome Could Indicate Risk Of Other Diseases
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Ryan Lane via Getty Images

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) - neurological disorder that causes a strong urge to move the legs - has been linked to various health issues including lung disease and endocrine disease, an expert has warned.

RLS tends to be accompanied by a feeling of tingling or ''crawling'' under the skin. The sensation is often worse in the evening or at night.

A sleep expert said that the disorder could be a "possible biomarker for underlying disease".

Neurologist Sanford Auerbach said that screening for the condition may become more common as a tool for GPs to identify patients at risk.

The comments come after a study of 12,556 men, who were followed over time by the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which found "multiple disease associations" with RLS.

Earlier analysis of the the men concluded that those with RLS were more likely to be diagnosed with lung disease, endocrine disease, nutrition and metabolism diseases and immune system problems.

In an editorial in the journal Neurology, the associate professor at Boston University's School of Medicine said: "Patients with RLS had a higher mortality rate than similar men, and showed an especially strong tendency toward cardiovascular disease and hypertension."

He suggests that RLS is a "meaningful biomarker" for serious disease.

8 Yoga Poses For Restless Legs Syndrome
Vipariti Karani: Legs Up The Wall Pose(01 of08)
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"This is a wonderful posture for the evening and especially if you either sit or stand all day," notes Jyoti Solanki, RMT, RYT, registered massage therapist and certified yoga instructor at the Serona Centre in Ontario, Canada. Lie on your back with your legs extended up against the wall at a 90-degree angle. Stay in the position for 5 to 20 minutes to ease restless legs syndrome. However, cautions Solanki, if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure or diabetes, or if you have your period or are pregnant, do NOT practice this pose. (credit:Shutterstock)
Uttanasana: Standing Forward Fold(02 of08)
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Standing with feet hip distance apart, bend forward at the hips while keeping knees soft and lengthening the spine as you fold forward. "The idea of this pose is to stretch the back of the legs while letting the spine traction with gravity," says Solanki. "This is a pose to be practiced any time of day or night." Hold the stretch for about 5 to 10 breaths. Don't hold the pose for longer than is comfortable, and be careful if you have problems with blood pressure. (credit:Flickr:lululemon athletica)
Paschimottonasana: Seated Forward Fold(03 of08)
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Sitting with feet extended straight in front of you, lengthen your spine and fold forward from the hips. Grasp your feet with your hands or wrap a belt around your feet and hold. "Bend and support knees with blankets as needed to allow the spine to be lengthened," says Solanki. Focus on stretching up, rather than forward if it feels tight, and engage your feet and legs to stabilize the lower body. Breathe calmly and deeply and hold for 5 to 10 breaths. (credit:Flickr:lululemon athletica)
Janu Sirsasana: Seated Forward Fold Variation(04 of08)
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Starting in the same position as the seated forward fold, bend one knee and hold it open to the side to open the hip. Support the bent leg with a rolled blanket underneath and lengthen the spine. Inhale and draw your belly down on to your thigh, your nose over your knees. Hold this stretch for about 5 to 10 breaths, then repeat with the other leg, again with the knee bent and the hip opening out to the side. Try this pose at night or in the morning. (credit:Shutterstock)
Setu Bandhanasana: Supported Bridge Pose(05 of08)
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Lay on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor hip distance apart. Support your lower back with a firm pillow or yoga block. Allow your body to relax. Stay in that position for 2 to 5 minutes, then remove the pillow/block and take up to 5 more breaths. Then roll to one side and push yourself to a seated position using your hands. "This is a great pose to do morning or night, but especially when you feel wound up," Solanki advises. (credit:Shutterstock)
Balasana: Child's Pose(06 of08)
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Kneel down and sit on your heels, folding your torso forward while keeping your arms at your sides. Rest your forehead on the floor, using some rolled blankets if you need extra support. Place a bolster between your knees and place piled blankets on the floor beneath you to support your trunk and head if you need it. Rest here for 5 to 20 minutes and breathe deeply. Practice day or night to decrease anxiety, too. (credit:Alamy)
Savasana Variation: Basic Relaxation Pose(07 of08)
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Lie on your back with a blanket or pillow rolled under your knees and, if needed, under your arms, which should be outstretched to your sides. Make sure that the base of your skull is also comfortably supported. "Breathe gently and deeply relaxing your body as much as possible," says Solanki. "This will assist in calming the nervous system and should be practiced within an hour before bedtime." Rest in this restorative yoga pose for 10 to 20 minutes. (credit:Flickr:lululemon athletica)
Pranayama: Deep Breathing (08 of08)
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"This is essentially a breathing exercise, which moves the breath in unique ways, allowing for different effects on the nervous system," explains Solanki. "At night, practicing calm, even breathing in a 1:1 ratio and then eventually building up to 1:2, allowing the exhale to lengthen more than the inhale." You can also try inhaling while blocking one nostril and alternating nostrils with each breath, which can help calm the nervous system. (credit:Flickr:lululemon athletica)