Seal Says Four Kids Is Enough...

Seal Says Four Kids Is Enough...

The singer Seal and his supermodel wife Heidi Klum have just had their fourth child, and that's enough, says the proud father.

"Four is definitely enough," Seal told Hello! magazine.

"I found myself thinking, before (Lou) was born: 'We've got three kids, how am I going to find any more love to give another kid?"

"Then, of course, she turned up and the first time I held her up in my arms at the hospital... I fell in love at that point."

It's good to know some celebrities know when to stop.

It must be quite tempting when you've got a virtually unlimited amount of money to just keep going - like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who have six kids and counting.

But however rich you are, children still only have two parents who have a limited amount of time.

Seal told the Mirror he and Heidi have been turning down work to spend more time with the family.

He said: "We've both turned things down because basically I made a call. I don't want to work at any point over December.

"It is seductive when all these great career opportunities come up and you're riding the crest of the wave again.

"My career has had ebbs and flows.. right now it seems to be going up again.

"And that's great. But the one thing the ebbs and flows teach you is that you cannot take it too seriously. My family is my priority now."

As one of four children I would say four is enough - and it may be too many for me. I'm thinking two or three. Depending on how the second one sleeps!

But let me know - how many kids have you got? How do you know when to stop? Is it possible to have loads of children and still give them enough time and attention?

Source: Hello!

Source: Daily Mirror