How to Be Self-employed Over School Holidays Without Going Insane

Wanna know how to be self employed as a parent over the hols without going la la? Here is my short and sweet lowdown on living, loving and working during what can be a challenging time for self employed parents.

The holidays are heeeeeere, yes they are.

That means day trips, bike rides, ice creams, crafts (ok, that's just me), and hanging out with my little dudes.

This year I have some simpler suggestions to add to my advice.

It's amazing how much you learn in a year.

Wanna know how to be self employed as a parent over the hols without going la la?

Here is my short and sweet lowdown on living, loving and working during what can be a challenging time for self employed parents.

1. You don't need to work as much as you think you do.

I am down to 3 hours a day and over the holidays have planned to do even less. It's amazing how much you can achieve when you plan and focus.

2. Check your emails less

I promise it can be done. Set an auto responder, use, Sanebox, and free up some time.

Get it down to once a day if you can, and enjoy the freedom.

3. Do something for yourself.

It can so easily be a juggle between catching up with work, housework, and looking after small peeps that your own needs can fall by the wayside.

Book a make up make-over, make time for yoga, see friends (on your own, not play dates!) and just BE YOU.

4. Enjoy it!

Your minis will grow up so fast and time with them is precious. Enjoy the holidays for the chance it gives you to be creative, be a kid yourself, and to unplug a little.

5. Step away from social media a little.

I promise you nothing bad will happen.

"When I hear people talk about juggling, or the sacrifices they make for their children, I look at them like they're crazy, because 'sacrifice' infers that there was something better to do than being with your children." Chris Rock.

6. Change your expectations

Change the expectations you set yourself during this busy time. Remember who is in charge! Also be clear to others your boundaries around work, communications, deadlines if any, and availability. It's ok to say no. And it's ok to say no to yourself, too. Oooh that can be tricky.

7. Plan in advance + get super organised

Schedule your blog posts in advance where you can, and get organised with your social media scheduling. It needn't take you more than 10 minutes at the start of the week. I promise.

Oh, and outsource where you can. It makes SO much sense!

8. Procrastinate less

You will get more done.

9. Make great decisions. Move the needle more.

10. Remember why you are doing this.

After all, self employment can provide so much freedom for you and your family. Juggling is all part of it. Breathe.

"Working mothers' laughter comes hardest when our double life is revealed for what it is: a juggling act in which the balls can drop at any time, invariably on our own head." Allison Pearson

Are you a working parent? What plans do you have in place over the holidays to make it work?

Share your tips below.