Simply Vegetarian Florentine Quiche Recipe

Is quiche not the perfect, universal crowd pleaser? It seems whenever I make it for a gathering it's Hoovered up way before everything else. I think it satisfies the angel and devil in all of us. Egg rich protein guaranteed to fill us up until the next available meal slot, combined with decadent cheese and cream.

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Is quiche not the perfect, universal crowd pleaser? It seems whenever I make it for a gathering it's Hoovered up way before everything else. I think it satisfies the angel and devil in all of us. Egg rich protein guaranteed to fill us up until the next available meal slot, combined with decadent cheese and cream. All wrapped up in shortcrust pastry, which let's face it, is just a very large savoury biscuit with useful handle type edges to halt any spillages. I just love the stuff and this one is full of spinach - something I like a lot raw in salads, but even more when smothered in cream and grated nutmeg.


500g shortcrust pastry (will have leftovers but could bake as off cuts to nibble on)

200g fresh spinach, washed

2 large eggs

284mls double cream

210g cheddar cheese or Gruyere

Lots of freshly ground black pepper

¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg

I developed this recipe at the request of someone who wanted to know how much ready made pastry to use for quiche. If you prefer to make your own then please follow the pastry recipe here. It's actually very easy and I have to say I don't buy pastry these days, other than the puff variety.

You'll need a 23cm quiche tin with a loose bottom. Roll the pastry to about 3mm thick with a well-floured rolling pin and transfer carefully over the tin. Trim the edges (roll a rolling pin over the top for a quick way to do this) and chill or freeze if possible for another 30 minutes. Then pop greaseproof paper into the shell, fill with baking beans or uncooked rice and bake in a preheated 200C/Gas 6 oven for 20 minutes. Then remove the beans and paper and bake for another 10 minutes until the bottom of the pastry shell is fully cooked.

Meanwhile wilt the spinach by either cooking in a saucepan with 2 tbsp water until wilted and reduced in size, or zapping in the microwave still in the bag, pierced a few times, for 2 minutes. Whatever method you use, squeeze well afterwards to remove as much moisture as possible - I use a sieve and the back of a wooden spoon. Once cooled, finely chop the spinach, use a fork to whisk with the eggs, cream, cheese, pepper and nutmeg and pour into the shell. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes until golden brown and well set. Serve warm or cold with whatever you fancy, I like salad or jacket potatoes.

For more recipes from Holly Bell please take a look at her blog Recipes from a Normal Mum.