So Childbirth Is Painless And There's No Such Thing As "Baby Brain" - What Next?

So Childbirth Is Painless And There's No Such Thing As "Baby Brain" - What Next?

Mums everywhere will have been rather peeved by two bits of news this week.

Firstly, supermodel Gisele Bundchen claims that childbirth didn't hurt at all.

She's just popped out baby son Benjamin and apparently it was a walk in the park.

It "wasn't painful, not even a little bit," the supermodel, 29, told the Brazilian TV show Fantastico.

"The whole time, my head was so focused – every contraction, the baby is closer, the baby is closer. So, it wasn't like, 'Oh, what pain.' It was, 'With every contraction, he is getting closer to me.'"

Sounds like a load of hippy nonsense to me. Either that or she's a Cylon. One or the other.

She also says she didn't use any serious pain medication. "I wanted to be conscious and present for what was happening," she says. "I didn't want to be anaesthetised. I wanted to feel."

It gets better. She was also up and raring to go straight afterwards. "The second day, I was walking, I was washing dishes, I was making pancakes in the kitchen," she says.

Excellent. So childbirth is some kind of painless, mystical experience, followed by pancakes. I must remember that next time.

Then this week we've also been informed that pregnant women don't really suffer from "baby brain".

Experts say they should stop blaming forgetfulness on their bump.

Apparently neither pregnancy nor motherhood have any effect on a woman's brain.

Apart from the exhaustion and lack of sleep, obviously.

Cathy Warwick of the Royal College of Midwives, told the BBC: "It is about time that some research lays to rest this notion of pregnant women and the 'baby brain' myth."

However, she said the stresses on a woman's body during pregnancy can make them feel more tired than usual and this could explain loss of concentration and memory.

"As we all know tiredness - for men as well as women - can make us lose concentration and cause us to function less effectively," she said.

"This is why midwives encourage pregnant women to take appropriate rest breaks, at home and at work. Many pregnant women will need this rest, and all of them deserve it."

Well, that's a bit more like it.

Source: People