Social Pants: Is This The Craziest Fashion Project Yet?

Social Pants: Is This The Craziest Fashion Project Yet?

Social Pants by Mants & Johnny is the latest Kickstarter campaign bringing fashion and social media together.

That's right, "Tweets Pants" and "Face Pants" are an actual thing - but do these bright trousers cut the mustard when it comes to this season's trends?

Let us explain. Each pair is fluoro blue and made in London but the clever part is the metal QR badge. When scanned with your Smartphone or iPhone, it will redirect you to your social media account. Handy or completely unnecessary?

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Although the project is already up and running, creator Marius Muzikevicius and his team are trying to raise £2,000 to expand the collection to include three colours (royal blue, sky blue and turquoise).

If £5,000 is pledged, the plan is to offer the trousers in a choice of seven shades.

As for the style? Mants & Johnny have based the trews on jodhpurs - think tapered legs, deep pockets and low crotch detailing, complete with Facebook and Twitter motifs sewn onto the back pockets.

Could this revolutionise trousers or will the design and concept only really apply to true social media obsessives?

To hear all the deets on this fashion project, watch this video below. If you love the sound of "Tweet Pants" and you love a bright palette, these could be right up your street.

You have until June 10th to back the project...