Boost Your Sex Drive: Solutions For Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction And Low Libido

Men: How To Boost Your Sex Drive

Extracts from Patrick Holford's new book Good Medicine:

Some men suffer from a reduced sex drive but no sexual dysfunction. Others find it increasingly hard to get an erection, which interferes with their enjoyment of sex. This is called impotence.

Others have no problem with sexual performance but produce dysfunctional sperm, making conception unlikely for partners.

There are a number of good medicine solutions out there to help solve these issues.

1. Check your testosterone levels

Men as well as women can suffer from menopausal symptoms later in life. In men, these are called the andropause. Symptoms include decreased sexual performance, loss of morning erections and decreased potency, as well as fatigue, depression, irritability, rapid ageing, aches and pains, sweating and flushing. The cause of the male menopause is liekly to be declining levels of what is known as 'fee (unbound)' circulating testosterone.

There's a good online test for factors that predict testosterone deficiency. If your score says you are at risk, it is worth seeing a health-care practitioner experienced in the andropause and also having your testosterone levels measured. A doctor should measure both your testosterone level and the level of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which binds to, and hence inactivates, testosterone. By knowing these two figures you can work out the level of 'free' testosterone.

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surprising testosterone facts
Women In Love Have More(01 of13)
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Women in love have higher testosterone for the few months after a relationship starts than women who are single or in long-term relationships, a small Italian study suggests. The opposite is true for men; those newly in love have lower testosterone than men flying solo or with a long-term partner.As with early passion, though, the changes don't last. When the researchers tested the study participants again one to two years later, the differences had disappeared.More from Stay-Healthy Tips for Men12 Signs of Depression in MenShould "Male Menopause" Be Treated? (credit:Alamy)
It Can Shrink Your Belly(02 of13)
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Men whose levels of testosterone are below normal may lose their spare tire when treated with testosterone."Most of the studies show there's a reduction of abdominal obesity in men who are given testosterone," says Adrian Dobs, M.D., a professor of medicine and oncology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, in Baltimore.Because the long-term effects of testosterone therapy have not been well studied, however, it is generally only recommended in men with below-normal testosterone levels and symptoms such as fatigue, muscle or bone-mass loss, or sexual dysfunction. (credit:Alamy)
Making Money Affects It(03 of13)
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Young men who are futures traders get a testosterone spike on days when they make an above-average profit, British researchers found.And on the mornings when men's testosterone levels were higher than average, their average afternoon profits were higher than on their low-testosterone days, suggesting a possible cause-and-effect relationship.More experienced traders showed an even stronger tie between testosterone and profits. (credit:Alamy)
Too Much Can Shrivel Testicles(04 of13)
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In men, taking steroid hormones such as testosterone as performance boosters can cause testicles to shrink and breasts to grow. For women, it can cause a deeper voice, an enlarged clitoris, hair loss from the head, and hair growth on the body and face.In both genders, steroid abuse can cause acne, mood swings, aggression, and other problems.Men working with an experienced doctor to treat low testosterone or women taking small amounts of testosterone under medical supervision are unlikely to have testosterone-overdose symptoms. (credit:Alamy)
Sports Fans Get A Winner's Boost(05 of13)
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In the run-up to a competition, whether it's wrestling or chess, a man's testosterone levels rise, studies have shown. After the game, the winner's testosterone will increase even more.And fans' hormone levels seem to mirror those of their athletic idols. In a group of 21 men watching a Brazil vs. Italy World Cup match, the Brazil fans' testosterone levels increased after their team won, but the Italy fans' testosterone fell. (credit:Alamy)
Fat Can Lower Testosterone(06 of13)
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Obese men tend to have lower testosterone than thinner men, Dr. Dobs says. It's not clear why, she adds, although one possible reason is that obesity promotes a state of widespread inflammation in the body."When there's fat cells, there's a lot of inflammatory factors," she says. "These inflammatory factors have been associated with suppression of testosterone synthesis." (credit:Alamy)
Hands Reveal Hormone Secrets(07 of13)
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In men and boys, the right pointer finger is shorter in relation to their right ring finger than it is in girls.This has even been found in other five-fingered creatures, such as rats. Scientists have found that the difference is a clear marker for fetal exposure to testosterone. The higher your testosterone level before birth, the lower your pointer-finger-to-ring-finger ratio.Men with the lowest ratios made the most money and stayed in business for the longest time, according to the U.K. study of traders and testosterone. (credit:Alamy)
It's Hard To Measure Accurately(08 of13)
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Men are often diagnosed with low testosterone after a single test. This is a big problem, says Neil Goodman, M.D., an endocrinologist and professor of medicine at the University of Miami School of Medicine."If I take blood on a guy and I send it to three labs, I'm going to get three different levels," he says.Efforts are underway to standardize blood tests. In the meantime, testosterone should be checked more than once, Dr. Goodman says, and done in the morning when testosterone is highest. (credit:Alamy)
It's Not The Fountain Of Youth(09 of13)
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It would be great if an aging man's vigor, muscle power, and sex drive could be restored with testosterone.But it is not clear whether therapy will do anything for the 75 to 80 percent of men over 65 who have normal levels of testosterone.Men with below-normal levels, however, may get a boost in libido, sexual function, and bone mass from supplemental testosterone. And it may help diabetic men with low testosterone build lean muscle mass. (credit:Alamy)
Taking It Doesn't Cause Prostate Cancer(10 of13)
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It has long been thought that taking testosterone increases the risk of prostate cancer. Testosterone treatment can boost levels of prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, a nonspecific marker for prostate cancer, which may lead to more prostate biopsies and more prostate-cancer diagnoses, Dr. Goodman says.There are now, however, major questions about whether it's worthwhile to treat -- or even diagnose -- prostate cancers in older men, given that they're common and often slow-growing. (credit:Alamy)
Low Levels Are Linked To Sleep Apnea(11 of13)
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Men with sleep apnea are more likely to have low testosterone, and treating sleep apnea can help return it to normal.But if a man with sleep apnea is diagnosed with low testosterone alone, taking the supplemental hormone can worsen sleep apnea. That's why it's crucial for men with low testosterone to get a thorough workup by an endocrinologist so underlying conditions that can cause low testosterone, such as sleep apnea or pituitary-gland tumors, don't go undiagnosed, Dr. Goodman says. (credit:Alamy)
It May Hurt Men's Hearts(12 of13)
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In 2010, researchers halted a study of testosterone therapy in older men because of a higher rate of cardiovascular problems such as heart attack in the group taking testosterone instead of placebo.The reason isn't clear, but caution should be used in prescribing testosterone to older men in poor health, Dr. Goodman says. Declining testosterone in men is associated with health problems, but this doesn't mean giving older men testosterone will extend lifespans, he says. (credit:Alamy)
Too Much May Kill Brain Cells(13 of13)
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It's only known to happen in a petri dish, but Yale researchers showed that nerve cells exposed to high levels of testosterone were more likely to self-destruct. The hormone boosted a "cell suicide" mechanism known as apoptosis, which, under normal circumstances, is supposed to help the body wipe out cancerous or otherwise abnormal cells.And the higher the testosterone level in the dish, the shorter lived the cells were. Exposure to low levels of testosterone, however, had no effect on the cells.More from Stay-Healthy Tips for Men12 Signs of Depression in MenShould "Male Menopause" Be Treated? (credit:Alamy)

2. Reduce stress and alcohol

Stress is a major factor is testosterone decline, so it makes sense to look at ways to reduce it in your life.

When you are stressed, you produce cortisol, which is needed for a normal response to stress, giving you more energy and alertness when needed, and it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Too much stress means too much cortisol, which then tends to lower testosterone levels and DHEA levels.

High alcohol consumption is another risk factor for low levels of testosterone. If a man has had a period of heavy drinking in his lifetime, his liver may be able to recover but the testes may be less able to.

3. Reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens

Xenoestrogens are chemicals in the environment with actions similar to the female hormone oestrogen. They have recently been found to be anti-androgenic, blocking the action of testosterone. They are found in pesticides, plastic wrapping and plastic bags, so choose organic vegetables and meat wherever possible to reduce pesticide and hormone exposure, and don't eat fatty foods wrapped in non-PVC clingfilm.

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4. Increase protein intake and lose weight

A higher-protein diet tends to increase testosterone, and bring down SHBG, which reduces available testosterone, so it's important to eat enough good-quality protein, such as fish and lean meats. A strict vegetarian or vegan diet with a lot of fibre tends to increase SHBG and so is more likely to be associated with lower testosterone levels. A low-GL diet is good for your sex drive, because it includes healthy levels of protein.

If you are overweight or have insulin resistance or diabtes, this wil increase oestrogen dominance, which inhibits testosterone. The basic principles of a low-GL diet are: (a) eat foods that release their sugar content slowly, such as whole grains, oats, lentils, beans, apples, berries and raw or lightly cooked vegetables; (b) eat protein with every meal or snack; for example, chicken or fish with brown rice, fruit with nuts or seeds, outcakes with hummus; and (c) limit refined or processed carbo-hydrates found in cakes. white bread and biscuits.

5. Think zinc

A high degree of impotence and infertility is found in men who suffer from zinc deficiency. Zinc is found in high concentrations in the male sex glands and in the sperm itself, where it is needed to make the outer layer and the tail. The average dietary intake of zinc is half the recommended daily allowance (RDA), so include more high-zinc foods in your diet, including oysters, lamb, nuts, egg yolks, rye and oats, and take zinc supplement.

6. Protect you cholesterol

Testosterone is made in the body from cholesterol. Very low-cholesterol diets, as well as cholesterol-lowering medication, can therefore lower testosterone levels. but antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E help to protect valuable cholesterol from being damaged. Seeds and nuts are rich sources of vitamin E.

Best foods

  • Oysters
  • Lamb
  • Nuts
  • Egg yolks
  • Rye and oats
  • Organic vegetables and fruit
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Fish, prawns

Worst foods

  • Refined foods (anything made with white flour or sugar)
  • Alcohol
  • Bran

Also, limit exposure to, or use of, industrial chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs.

This extract is from Patrick Holford's Good Medicine, get the book to find more safe and natural ways to solve over 75 common health problems.