The weather has taken a drastic turn in our favour in recent days and with it comes a whole new set of challenges for men and their grooming routines. Exposure to the sun can dry out the skin, while humid temperatures increase the production of oil and grease on the surface of the skin. A careful balance and a new skincare routine can help to keep you looking your best.
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The weather has taken a drastic turn in our favour in recent days and with it comes a whole new set of challenges for men and their grooming routines. Exposure to the sun can dry out the skin, while humid temperatures increase the production of oil and grease on the surface of the skin. A careful balance and a new skincare routine can help to keep you looking your best.

Say bye to beards

The beard looks to be on the way out and summer will only speed that process along as men ditch their facial hair in favour of keeping cool. Shaving has additional benefits as the razor acts as a great exfoliator of the skin, removing up to two layers of skin. It is dead skin, along with built up oil and grease that can block the pores and lead to spots & breakouts. Skin will greatly benefit from shaving, as long as it is done properly and with good quality product.

Zap away body hair

Some parts of your body are harder to reach with your shaving brush. Back hair is a big bug bear for sufferers and makes even alpha males sheepish about their beach bodies! Women often use laser when preparing to hit the beach but men can benefit too. This is a trend that is slowly taking off and can offer longer lasting effects for men who want to banish back hair this summer.

Get flip-flop ready

It's not just our bodies we expose more in the summer but our feet. Don't neglect gnarly nails in your summer grooming routine, trim regularly and leave in a straight line, rounding them like finger nails leads to ingrown nails which can be extremely painful. Avoid trainers in the heat and any shoes that leave your feet bathing in sweat. Or if you're particularly concerned, more and more men are learning the power of the pedicure - don't be shy. Foot care treatments offer not only an opportunity to unwind but will also remove unsightly hard skin, ingrown toe nails and calluses.

Combat summer shine

Men have more active sebaceous glands, which control how much oil is secreted onto the skin. Heat stimulates this production so this can be heightened in warmer temperatures which can block the pores and lead to spots. Manage oily skin with a quick detox & cleanse, the men-ü D-TOX FACIAL ESSENTIALS Kit is a two-step treatment that will remove impurities in just a few minutes whilst the handy 15ml tubes can easily travel through customs to warmer climates.

Protect against chlorine

Chlorine can affect skin in a number of ways. It can cause the skin to dry out, particularly if you have any pre-existing conditions such as eczema. Some experts even suggest that chlorine can lead to premature ageing of the skin due to the way it strips it of natural water, oil and sebum. The best thing to do is ensure you shower thoroughly after using the pool to rid the skin surface of any lingering chlorine.

Poikiloderma of Civatte

This is a condition which produces brown pigmentation of the skin on the sides of the neck. This can be caused by strong sunlight burning cosmetics like aftershave into the skin. A high factor sunscreen that covers UVB as well as UVA can prevent the symptoms. It is best to avoid using aftershave when exposed to the sun on holiday, this will reduce the risk of this pigmentation.

Protect your hair

To treat your hair exactly the same in the summer months as the winter would be a mistake. For some, the sun not only sheds hair of protective oil, making it dry and brittle, it can produce a compound called superoxide which can lead to hair loss. Decreasing how often you shampoo your hair whilst on holiday can combat against dryness. Alternatively, for men with greasy hair the sun can stimulate the scalps grease producing glands, which will worsen the issue. The opposite solution is advisable, shampoo regularly with a good quality product.