The Christmas Gifts That Keep On Giving

The Christmas Gifts That Keep On Giving

A goat is for life, not just for Christmas. Photo: Oxfam

So, I think I've found the ultimate gift for the man or woman in your life who has everything. A goat!

Stay with me on this one... I'm talking about Oxfam's fab Oxfam Unwrapped gift-giving service. You purchase a gift online, anything from a goat, to school supplies, to a toilet for a refugee camp, and Oxfam delivers it – in your friend's name – to a community where it's needed. Your mate gets to feel instantly philanthropic and – better still – you get out of some seriously tricky gift-wrapping duties.

Oxfam's virtual shelves are stocked with trees and solar panels for the environment conscious, health checks for wannabe world-savers and, for the chocoholics in your life, funding to help cocoa farmers get established. Now that's what I call a gift that keeps on giving!

Oxfam's @Archiethegoat (on Twitter) is a gift suggestion guru and you can order your chickens/classroom/healthcare worker online at