The One With The Made Up Meals

If I do make something from a recipe book I can't help 'tinkering' with it until eventually it's beyond all recognition of the original. I rarely look at a cookbook anyway, unless it's for the proportions for Yorkshire puddings; for some reason I always have to look that up, or buy Aunt Bessie's, who is known in this house as the patron saint of the roast dinners.

I've been making up a lot of meals in my head recently.

I can't actually claim to have written any recipes but neither am I following any. It must be something to do with being more right brained than left and not wanting to follow instructions.

If I do make something from a recipe book I can't help 'tinkering' with it until eventually it's beyond all recognition of the original. I rarely look at a cookbook anyway, unless it's for the proportions for Yorkshire puddings; for some reason I always have to look that up, or buy Aunt Bessie's, who is known in this house as the patron saint of the roast dinners.

I've been creating desserts with bags of frozen berries, making apple and leek stuffing to accompany roast pork and rustling up a sort of bubble and squeak with left over roast potatoes, ham, cranberry sauce and peas. Don't knock until you try it. Although I've had several friends question the existence of a 'left over roast potato'.

The boy had a run on brioche for breakfast recently. For some reason he called them brioche sausage rolls, (they were rolls but contained no sausage), and it was all he'd eat for weeks, then suddenly he announced there were 'balls' in them and he wouldn't eat them anymore.

No, I don't know what he means either. I can only assume it was a dry bit or a clump of dough or something, but once he'd found it that was the end of the love affair with brioche.

So when my friend Actor Laddie and his family came for Sunday lunch I had a whole 8 pack of brioche rolls that needed 'using up' as my Mum would say.

So I came up with 'White Chocolate and Raspberry Brioche Bread and Butter Pudding'.

Split a pack of eight brioche rolls lengthways so you have 16 pieces and butter them.

Arrange a layer of eight pieces in a deep roasting dish.

Scatter over half a punnet of raspberries and half a 100g packet of white chocolate chips or a white chocolate bar broken into pieces.

Do it all over again with the other eight pieces of brioche, the raspberries and white chocolate.

Make a custard with three beaten eggs, 600 ml (1 pint) of milk and 50g of light soft brown sugar whisked together until the sugar is dissolved and the eggs are incorporated. I added a dash of single cream as well because I had some to go with the pud once it was cooked.

Pour the custard over the brioche and let it soak in for about half an hour before baking at 180C (160C fan) Gas Mark 4 for 40 to 45 minutes.

I did it on 160C for 40 minutes because my oven is fierce and even after nearly a year in this house I'm still coming to terms with how it can burn something to a crisp in seconds. My cake baking prowess is nowhere near what it was because of that bloomin' oven.

The pudding was declared a success and I would've posted a picture but we wolfed it all down before I thought about taking one.

After this makeshift masterpiece I'm going to have a go at something that doesn't sound like a proper recipe but actually is; brussel sprout risotto, which was sent to me by a fellow blogger and Twitter pal.

There's a glut of sprouts on the fields round here so they're going for a song. Well they can be rather a 'musical' vegetable...