The Perfect Mother And Baby Getaway

The Perfect Mother And Baby Getaway

Time to unwind and relax soon after a new baby is born is not something most new mothers are familiar with. Mamaheaven is a group of women who make it their mission to change this.

Mamaheaven, set up in 2005 by seven friends, organises yoga retreat weekends for new mothers and their babies. Emphasis is on relaxation, bonding with your child and some much needed time to restore mind and body in a peaceful and serene environment.

Retreats take place at one of two locations, the first being Penrhoes Court in Herefordshire, an ancient farmhouse dating back to the 13th Century which has been restored to beautiful effect. The second is a charming villa in an unspoilt area of Can Talaias, Ibiza.

In addition to daily yoga and massages, group discussions and a library of helpful literature are on offer. Healthy, organic food is freshly prepared for guests by Daphne Lambert, owner and chef at Penrhoes Court, whose restaurant has been awarded the Soil Association organic symbol.

Bonding with fellow new mothers is also encouraged. Sharing stories, fears and tips with each other is all part of the experience, helping mothers become more confident, knowledgeable and in tune with themselves.

Simply making the effort to slow down and take stock is invaluable and Mamaheaven is a great opportunity to do exactly that. Some mothers can feel guilty about having some good old-fashioned 'me time' so instead of trying to squeeze some in-between a million daily tasks, actively making time for yourself can be a very rewarding endeavour. Not as much of a guilty pleasure as it may sound, the team at the retreats aim to re-energize their visitors and refresh you to the point that, when you leave, you're ready for anything.

A unique service that sounds like the ideal way to spend a blissful weekend with your young baby, Mamaheaven also plan to expand their range of retreats, which should soon include weekends tailored for the whole family and also ones specifically for children with special needs. By Amiee Jones