This Scandinavian Sleeping Hack Will Give You The Best Night's Sleep Ever

Bye sweaty, restless nights! Talk to you never!
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According to a study, two-thirds (67%) of us in the UK are suffering from disrupted sleep. That’s just not a recipe for productive, energetic days, now, is it?

Well, our friendly neighbours over in Scandinavia may be on to something, as they’ve adopted a nighttime hack that helps them get better sleep.

Say hello to the two-duvet system. Perfect for those who are in a couple where one person is roasting hot, throwing the duvet off them in the middle of the night, while the other is clutching for covers, shivering to their bones.

James Wilson (The Sleep Geek), shares to us on behalf of Spin Genie, “Usually in Northern European countries, like Denmark or Norway, couples have two duvets, so each person has their own when sleeping. 

“They think we in the UK are bonkers – why would you share a duvet? If you’re a hot sleeper, laying next to someone, they’re coming into your side of the bed, that makes you hot!”

Makes sense! He says it can be particularly helpful for women, as the week or two before our period means our core temperature jumps a little, making it too hot to sleep properly. When there’s also another hot bod in bed next to you, it can start feeling like a sauna.

Sleeping with two different duvets means you can both wake up in the morning feeling super rested and happy, rather than harbouring secret resentments towards each other throughout the day about that late-night duvet hogging.

The best thing about the two-duvet system is you can each pick a duvet that has a tog rating that matches your preferences. 

Run too hot? Aim for a 1.5 tog in the summer. Feeling the cold? Snag that 12 tog duvet! Or if you love to ‘cocoon’ like this couple, it’s the perfect solution for you, too.

This way, you can both feel snug as a bug and end the duvet tug-of-war throughout the night. You’re welcome.