Little Girl Loves Beards So Her Gran Crochets A Bobble Beard Beanie

Little Girl Loves Beards So Her Gran Crochets This...

A toddler was so enamoured with facial hair that she wanted to grow a beard herself.

There were just a couple of things that stood in her way - she was a two-and-a-half-year-old girl.

Luckily the child's grandmother was a dab hand with a pair of crochet needles and she created this masterpiece:

The photo was shared on imgur by the girl's father who goes by the username JDRoc. He revealed that his mother has now decided to sell Bobble Beard Beanie's on Etsy.

"She's not very active, at all really," he wrote. "My sister had talked her into trying it out. She mostly just does it for fun/gifts."

JDRoc with his daughter