'I'll Smack You In A Minute': Tales Of The Savage Things My Toddler Says To Me

'Don’t worry mummy, I won’t chop your head off.'
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My speaking-age child often threatens to “smack you in a minute” quite loudly and always in public. And every time I feel compelled to make a tannoy announcement to assure the rest of the supermarket/world that we do not smack, we don’t threaten to smack, and we are very much anti-smackers.

It has left me baffled as to how a tot, whose TV diet has been largely restricted to CBeebies and parents who have never (with the exception of childbirth) made violent threats towards each other, has picked up some truly chilling ideas when it comes to justice.

Thankfully I’m not the only one who has been left red-faced by my toddler’s wildly inappropriate remarks. A recent Mumsnet thread made for interesting reading and could have been an early Stephen King brainstorming session as parents took the brave step of publicly outing their very own children of the corn.

One mum posted on the site: “Completely out of nowhere, my two-year-old turned to me this evening and said affectionately: ‘Don’t worry mummy, I won’t chop your head off’.” Cue hysterical analysis of parenting, environment, and the number one enemy of a happy parent - judgement.

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No matter how much I preach that I’m not a smacker when my child loudly makes these threats in public, it’s out there. And for all the explaining in the world, as a parent you know that Sally on fresh meat and Peter on checkouts will recall this anecdote to their families later under a cloud of “that poor child - what home life must he have to say something like that?”, then probably try and slip him a Childline leaflet with his next green token. I admit, I would have thought the same when I was raising my hypothetical family as a child-free woman.

Smacking isn’t the only, or by any means the worst, vision of violence we have encountered. There was a particularly bloody phase where most conversations ended with imagining someone had a screwdriver in their eye because they didn’t say “please” or put their shoes on. It really does give the home a bright and breezy feel - a bit like how ‘Lord of the Flies’ brightens up a PTA book club.

“He threatens me, my husband and my other son with graphic violence (‘I will hit you with a knife in your eye!’) but we have, worryingly, got used to it."”

- Mumsnet user

The theme is not totally unusual, I’m reassured. Another mum added to the Mumsnet blood-thirsty toddler amnesty thread that her young son frequently threatens her and her husband with oddly worrying warnings, including “I will hit you with a knife in your eye!”. 

So where on earth do they get it from? Don’t ask.

We all are wise enough (infrequently) not to Google medical symptoms, and the same advice goes for this period of your child’s life.

When I did a quick search to find out why toddlers came out with these phrases (after a particularly savage message of arson from the mouth of my firstborn), I decided never to do that again. The first six pages showed me some pretty alarming articles.

I did, however, find a small but helpful observation from Dr Christopher Green, author of ‘New Toddler Taming’ who, at the end of his chapter ‘Nasty habits in nice children’, remarked: “Remember that all of the behaviour in this chapter, much as it drives you crazy now, will just be a funny story some day quite soon.”

Before You Go

7 Fun Creative Craft Projects For Toddlers
Make a crown fit for a prince or princess(01 of07)
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Wrap bendable card around your child's head, take the measurement and trim off the excess card. Next, cut the card into a crown using a zigzag or get creative and try sticky-up hair or a favourite animal’s head or ears. Now it's your toddler's turn to decorate the card with felt tip pens, paint and glued-on bits of paper. Once they’re done staple the short sides together to create the crown. This is a great craft project for a play date. (credit:Matelly via Getty Images)
Make a car for whacky races(02 of07)
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Large cardboard boxes are just begging to be transformed into cars. Glue paper plates to the side as wheels and let your child's imagination roar. They may want to draw in people and make a bus or add windscreens and doors but let them take the driving seat. (credit:patrickheagney via Getty Images)
Make a mask(03 of07)
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Make masks with paper plates, hole punched on either side and threaded with elastic to fit your child's head. Your toddler can create whatever face they like using pens, paint, cut up tissue paper for hair and pipe cleaners for whiskers. (credit:igor kisselev, www.close-up.biz via Getty Images)
Make a model with modelling clay(04 of07)
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Toddlers love squishing, rolling and moulding play dough with different shaped cutters and their hands. Keep your homemade play dough in a sealed container or mix up a new batch with this super simple recipe: 3 cups of flour; 2 tablespoons of cornflour, 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of cold water and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Your toddler will love mixing up the ingredients. Divide your dough and choose different food colourings. Note: The salt content of homemade play dough is very high - keep an eye on your toddler to make sure they don’t eat any. (credit:Westend61 via Getty Images)
Do some potato printing and finger painting(05 of07)
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Halve a few potatoes and cut out shapes of stars, circles, letters or animals (whatever your child asks you to do). Then, dip the cut out potato half into washable, brightly coloured poster paint and it's time for some stamping fun on plain paper. Hand printing is lots of squelchy fun too (and you'll have a lovely record of just how little their hands were). (credit:Michaela Gunter via Getty Images)
Make some binoculars or a telescope(06 of07)
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This couldn't be simpler: after your toddler has painted two cardboard tubes the colours of their choice, tape them together for a pair of binoculars. A single longer roll (from your kitchen towel) makes a great pirate's telescope too. (credit:Chris Stein via Getty Images)
Make some silly glasses(07 of07)
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Cut out a pair of glasses in plain cardboard. Stick coloured cellophane into the holes as lenses and let your toddler paint them in bright, funky colours. Once the paint is dry, provide a selection of sparkly bits and pieces to decorate: think sequins, buttons, self-adhesive spots, even pasta shapes. Now your toddler is ready for a super-cute photo opportunity. Note: Ensure your toddler is supervised at all times as small objects like sequins and buttons are choking hazards. (credit:Westend61 via Getty Images)