Tom Cruise's Daughter Eats Everything With Chopsticks - Allegedly...

Tom Cruise's Daughter Eats Everything With Chopsticks - Allegedly...

Tom Cruise's little girl Suri is apparently refusing to eat without chopsticks.

According to the gossip columns, the three-year-old won't eat with a knife and fork and her mum Katie Holmes has to take chopsticks with her everywhere she goes.

She's not going to get made fun of at school, is she? Talk about being born with a silver chopstick in your mouth...

Kids' eating habits can reveal a lot about their background. Assuming for a moment that this story is true, little Suri has obviously been taken to dinner at Nobu once too often.

My niece is a terribly fussy eater, but among the few things she will eat are feta, olives and pesto. You can tell she comes from a middle-class home in Cambridge, can't you?

When my little brother was small, he wouldn't eat shop-bought bread. He'd got a taste for my mum's homemade loaves and turned his nose up at sliced white bread sandwiches at parties. Snob.

I wonder if celebrity kids are similarly affected, and get so that they can't eat grub which hasn't been prepared by a gourmet chef.

It must be an awful shock to the system to be presented with a KFC bucket, if you're used to top-class food from the finest restaurants and Daddy's own chefs.

Mind you, apparently Suri would be okay, so long as she has her chopsticks.

And if that's the only odd quirk the daughter of Tom Cruise develops, she'll be doing well.

Source [The Hollywood Gossip]