Top 6 Money-Earning YouTube Videos

(WATCH) The £100,000 YouTube Earners: David After The Dentist, Charlie Bit Me

You might get your lunchtime chuckle watching these viral videos, but the makers get much more. Around £100,000 more.

The clever parents and brothers who postsed Charlie Bit Me, two baby brothers talking, Lily's Disneyland surprise and David after the dentist have formed a partnership with YouTube that sees them get paid as more people view their videos.

The dad who posted "Charlie Bit Me", a 58-second clip of his two young sons has earned £100,000 for the short film.

Jamie, who made his brother turn off his Xbox, estimates he has made about £40,000, according to the Daily Mail.

Each of these YouTube sensations have had millions of views, which is why they're worth money to YouTube.

Fancy getting your camera out and making some ready money? Here's how it works: YouTube monitors all the videos uploaded to the service, and if it spots a video that will go viral, it contacts the author.

Judging by these money-earning videos, there's one thing universally guaranteed to make you some money - the hilarious antics of your own children.