Top Family Friendly Wii Fitness Games

Top Family Friendly Wii Fitness Games

Got a new year's resolution to shape up and lose weight? Me too, but joining a gym or committing to four workout classes a week seems just a little too intimidating this year. Especially as my gym membership last year went largely unused after February.

However, with obesity levels rising in children and adults, it's important to make sure some form of exercise is incorporated into your life to ensure you and your brood maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Nintendo Wii now has a multitude of fitness games, which make exercise effective and fun for all the family – and all from the comfort of your living room.

Here's my round up of the best Wii fitness games for the family.

Your Shape

Your Shape is a recently released game similar to the previous Wii Fit style games, but with the additional accessory of a camera.

Once set up, the camera scans your body to identify your body shape and then replays your own image back to you. A virtual fitness instructor then puts you through some challenging exercise moves. The camera reflects what you're doing, so you can see your own image going through the moves too.

It's a good game for working out on your own or tiring your kids out by setting them a challenge, but you can't really use it all together as a family.

Your Shape is £29.99 from Amazon.

Wii Fit Plus

The Wii Fit Plus is the follow up to the popular Wii Fit game and balance board bundle.

This version includes all the basics of the original, with added features and exercises for those who have got bored of the previous exercises.

You can also choose timed workouts depending on whether you want to do a 20, 30 or 40 minute workout. Ideal for squeezing in when your baby is napping or your kids are glued to their DS.

You can buy Wii Fit Plus from John Lewis for £16.95.

Just Dance

I've seen a lot of people tweeting about this game, and it seems to go down a storm with older families.

The benefit of this dancing game is that up to four people can play at once, meaning you can either challenge your kids to a dance off, or get your teens playing with their friends.

Songs range from Groove is in the Heart to the latest ditties from High School Musical.

You can buy it from HMV for £17.99