Van Morrison Is NOT A Father Again...

Van Morrison Is NOT A Father Again...

The newspapers have been full of stories over the past few days about Van Morrison becoming a father again - but now the ageing rocker says it's not true.

Apparently someone hacked into the singer's website and described how he had a baby with Gigi Lee, his producer, and the world's media picked up on the story.

Now Van the Man says the reports are "completely and utterly without foundation".

Presumably his wife Michelle has been less than happy about the reports...

The singer says he has not become a father for the fourth time, has never even heard of the supposed mother, Gigi Lee, and has not posted any of the comments attributed to him on his website.

It had been reported that Van Morrison had called his new son George Ivan Morrison III and had posted on his website that the boy was "the spitting image of his daddy".

Newspapers ran the usual features about older male rock stars and babies, putting Van Morrison in the same category as Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney and Rod Stewart.

But apparently the whole thing was a hoax. "Once these claims were brought to our attention, they were taken down from the site but not before news organisations repeated these falsehoods," said Van Morrison, who is 64.

"The comments which appeared on my website did not come from me." He added: "For the avoidance of all doubt and in the interests of clarity, I am very happily married to Michelle Morrison with whom I have two wonderful children."

His friend John Saunders told RTE Radio that Morrison had been bewildered by the claims.

"He's never heard the name at any stage in the past. He doesn't know who this person is," Saunders said.

"Van is a mystery man in many ways. Of all the things that Van does do with a great deal of genius, the one thing he probably would admit himself is that he doesn't do particularly well at public relations."

Source: The Guardian