The Webcam Leak Was So Bad Even Reddit Got Freaked Out

You Know It's Bad When Reddit Gets Creeped Out

The Russian webcam leak story has dominated the headlines and rightly so, however what you might not realise is that Reddit users knew about the site long before the authorities did.

The Independent has discovered that Reddit users were discussing the site and its potential implications over two months ago.

The newspaper reports that Reddit users were sharing images to try and highlight the potential dangers.

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More recent threads have started focusing on how users can protect themselves, while other discussion topics have covered the wider implications this has one online security.

The site in question is called Insecam and appears to have been set up by a group of hackers who have taken unsecured web-connected cameras and then patched those feeds through into a public website.

While that in itself has worrying implications for people's privacy, the site also lists the postcode of each webcam, giving away the exact locations of these rooms.