The Beth Project: Woman Documents 150lb Weight Loss In Creative Before-And-After Photo Series

These Creative Before-And-After Weight Loss Photos Are Amazing

Normally dramatic before-and-after weight loss photos involve the slimmer posing a pair of their now-very loose pre-weight loss jeans or standing next to a cardboard cutout of their larger, former self, but one woman has really stepped the bar up a notch.

When Beth decided to have gastric-bypass surgery in a bid to lose weight, she contacted her friend and photographer Blake Morrow, to capture her weight loss journey. She lost 150 pounds in total - well done, Beth.

The result is a series of creative photos, known as The Beth Project, that draw on hilarious pop culture references to document her 150 pound weight loss.

"Both Beth and I didn't want to see a somewhat depressing 'before' shot of her, badly-lit, in her bedroom with a closet door behind her, with another shot two years later by the same door," Morrow told

"We wanted to celebrate who she is, both before and after the weight loss, while also communicating the excitement and encouragement that change can bring. Beth loves life and is a very optimistic person, and we wanted to capture that in my portraits of her."

Speaking to Buzzfeed, Morrow admits that while he used Photoshop to create the images, he didn’t alter Beth’s body shape.

“I was determined to use it in a way that would encourage and inspire people while being true to the heart of my subject,” he said.

We think she looks amazing - well done Beth!