What Do You Do On Christmas Eve?

What Do You Do On Christmas Eve?

I loved hearing about all your family Christmas traditions when we discussed them here. So let's look at the night before the big day and get nosey again. What are your traditions for Christmas Eve?

We always have trifle on Christmas Eve. My other half remembers trifle being one of the components of Christmas Day, but when we tried to do that we found that we couldn't physically fit it in. So we moved it to Christmas Eve. Our Christmas Eve meal is usually sausage and mash with veggies.

The day itself seems to involve lots of cleaning – I am normally a domestic flop, but I get an obsession for having everything spick and span for Christmas Day. So all the beds will be stripped and changed, even the children get flung in the bath. I think I have a fantasy that at some point we might look like something out of the Lakeland catalogue, but I haven't quite got there yet.

We decorate the house and stick cards to the living room door, so they all flutter every time it's opened. It'll be interesting to see what our new cat makes of all that. I predict high jinks.

Last year I went to the gym for an abs class on Christmas Eve. It seemed only fair since I was planning on putting my stomach to the test the next day. It was actually very relaxing and calming, so this year I plan to do something similar, maybe go for a swim.

In the evening, stockings are hung by the chimney and we always take a picture of the children, bursting with excitement. We try to get them to bed early, but that's easier said than done. And once they do go to bed, there's a long night of wrapping, wrapping and more wrapping coming up...

So what will you be doing on Christmas Eve? Do you have particular traditions that you always follow? Leave a comment and let us know