What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

Are you the type of woman who can't help sneaking a look at your reflection in shop windows as you walk past? Or do you avoid looking at yourself wherever and whenever possible? If a survey by diet company Slimming World is anything to go by, many of us dread looking at our reflection because we think we look fat - even those of us who are of a healthy weight.

Mirror, mirror, who's that fat person? Photo: Flickr, notsogoodphotography

The survey reveals that, for many of us, what we look like and what we actually see aren't necessarily the same thing. For instance, among women who were of a healthy weight, only 6 of those who are the right weight for their height say they are happy with what they see in the mirror.

The survey, which involved more than 2,200 people, also quizzed men, who were half as likely as women to say they feel ashamed of their bodies.

It just goes to show how much weight and self-esteem are linked, especially for women. On the other hand men who are overweight are more likely to diet to improve their health or fitness, say experts.

Looking in the mirror and seeing a distorted image of yourself is a symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). If you have BDD you may also wear clothes to disguise your shape and feel anxious when you're around others.

Around 1% of the UK population is thought to have BDD - though the Slimming World survey suggests the number of people with low-level BDD could be increasing.

Do you feel you're judged on your appearance? Is it fair?

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