Husband Messes With Christmas Decorations, Wife Gets Ultimate Revenge

‘Tis the season to be brutally honest.

There’s nothing like the Christmas period for bringing up tensions, arguments and a good old family feud.

And for one couple they’ve decided to start early this year.

Jack Shepard shared a photograph to Imgur of his wife’s Christmas chalkboard, which she had bought to use as a daily advent countdown to the big day.

But instead of letting his wife enjoy her festive fun, Shepard had been hijacking the board, rubbing out the number, and writing conspiracy theories in its place. 

He admits this had been “infuriating” his spouse, but he carried on anyway, writing yesterday: “The moon landing was faked.” 

Instead of letting Shepard have the last laugh by getting angry, she simply added: “My orgasm too.”

We’ve got a feeling the Christmas decorations will be safe from now on.