Woman Sexually Assaulted Baby While Paedophile Boyfriend Took Photos

Woman Sexually Assaulted Baby While Paedophile Boyfriend Took Photos

A 44-year-old woman is on trial this week after being charged with sexually assaulting a five-month-old baby and allowing indecent images to be taken.

Tracy Dawber allegedly sat the baby on her lap and allowed her paedophile boyfriend Colin Blanchard take photographs on his mobile phone.

Dawber, formerly from Southport, Merseyside, admits it was her holding the baby in the photographs, which were taken at her home, but denies sexually assaulting the child or allowing the photos to be taken.

But Colin Blanchard, an IT businessman from Rochdale, Greater Manchester who is a convicted paedophile, claimed at Winchester Court yesterday that it was Dawber who told him what to do and took the lead in the abuse.

Colin Blanchard was caught in June 2009 when a work colleague discovered child pornography on his computer.

A Facebook link with Dawber was uncovered, and her computer was also searched. Police found the same child porn on her computer.

He was arrested and officers uncovered his phone which contained the images of the baby.

In an interview, Dawber told police she could not remember the pictures being taken, but the court heard how the phone flashed every time a picture was taken – some from only nine inches away.

The trial is expected to last seven days.