Woman Tries To Kill Unborn Baby Of Husband's Mistress

Woman Tries To Kill Unborn Baby Of Husband's Mistress

A 38-year-old woman from New York tried to kill the unborn baby of her husband's mistress in a jealous fit of rage. Keisha Jones discovered her husband had got Monique Hunter pregnant, and allegedly decided to administer a drug to end her pregnancy.

Jones phoned Hunter while pretending to be from her doctors, saying she had a prescription for her to take to ensure her baby of 7 months was born without Down's Syndrome. Hunter took the advice and the pill, which was in fact Cyotec, an abortion drug used in early pregnancy. One week later, Hunter went into an early labour and baby Anthony Jones Jr. was born, weighing only a couple of pounds.

The baby is currently fighting for his life, but doctors say he has a 9520Tries20Kill2720Baby">Source: AHN