Would You Buy A Self-Folding Buggy For £929?

Would You Buy A Self-Folding Buggy For £929?

It feels like it's another week, another flash new buggy launch at the moment – first there was the Maclaren BMW buggy, then the Silver Cross Aston Martin and now...[cue drum roll], the Origami from 4Moms folds itself, has integral LED lights for improved visibility after dark and can even charge your mobile phone as you stroll.

Not enough gadgetry for you? There's also a 'dashboard' that notifies you of the temperature (erm if you're outside anyway, how is that useful?) and acts as a pedometer and speedometer.

So, the Origami from 4Moms (come on guys, couldn't you have managed a better brand name? Dads push buggies too you know) is the first pushchair that collapses down automatically at the touch of a button, and it unfolds again just as simply too.

It's undeniably clever - taking away that infuriating 'not enough hands' juggling act of holding a baby and trying to fold the buggy and get everyone and everything onto a bus or train.

Hurray no more fiddling about with mechanisms and catches one-handed, or puzzling over what goes where here you might say!


But there's a problem. It might take the stress and strain out of folding the pushchair but the price of the Origami (£929) isn't the only thing that's hefty here.


The buggy is a back-ache inducing 12kg with the newborn seat, or full-on back-breaking 14.5kg when set up for a toddler. Now that's not totally unusual for a newborn pram, but the easy fold mechanism is something that would be most attractive to parents who are getting on and off public transport or lugging their buggy into the car boot a fair amount. These are the very mums and dads we'd steer towards a lightweight buggy especially at the toddler stage and the Origami certainly doesn't qualify as light.

We do love the idea of being able to charge our mobile phones as we walk and the safety lights too (we reckon these features might well get taken up by other buggy manufacturers in future) but until all this gadgetry can be made less weighty and pricey, we'll be sticking with that pushchair folding juggling act and remembering to charge our mobiles before we set off from home.

The 4Moms Origami is available from John Lewis stores at a cost of £929.

Liat Hughes Joshi is author of What to Buy for Your Baby.

What do you think? Does the idea of a self-folding buggy appeal or sound like an expensive gimmick?