You're Like a Flame My Darling, Nobody Can Touch You

The way you danced that evening, independent of me, of Lea, of your uncle, you were so sure of yourself. Dressed in your little dungarees and Toms shoes, you looked so adorable, and I was so proud of you. Your fearlessness was admirable, and Lea was right - in that moment, no one could touch you!

We had guests from afar visiting last week.

We took them to one of our favourite restaurants where Daddy and I knew there would be good food, good music, and a welcoming environment for you and Lea.

After dinner, we got up to dance - there was a DJ playing some cool beats outside. You have loved music since you were teeny-tiny, and now whenever you hear a beat, the moves come pouring out - you just can't hold them in!

After a couple of tracks, Lea went to form a circle with me, you and your uncle to dance. But you absolutely were not having it. You wanted to dance independently - your groove was in full swing!

Lea said to her father in French: "Zachy, c'est le feu, on ne peut pas le toucher car ses flammes brulent" which roughly translates to: "Zachy is fire, we cannot touch him because he is like a burning flame"

What a wonderful and profoundly poetic thing for a five year old girl to say!

And it's so true my darling, you are like a flame. A big beautiful flame with an ability to light up your surroundings with your infectious presence and stunning smile.

But it's your confidence, too. At 18 months old you let no one stand in your way. You want to dance? No one is going to stop you!

The way you danced that evening, independent of me, of Lea, of your uncle, you were so sure of yourself. Dressed in your little dungarees and Toms shoes, you looked so adorable, and I was so proud of you. Your fearlessness was admirable, and Lea was right - in that moment, no one could touch you!

I am not sure when it is that children start to lose their untouchable confidence. God knows, I could borrow a little from you sometimes!

But knowing what a brave and bright and beautiful little boy you are, I know it is my job to remind you, as you get bigger, of just how strong and amazing you are.

The world is tough, and people can be really bloody cruel. But I will always be here for you, as will your Daddy, to remind you that you are a flame, my darling. You are a big beautiful flame and no one can touch you. Your confidence burns bright, and even if people try to stamp out your light, they will not succeed - you will not let them, because your flame is bigger than theirs.

For now, it is my job to make sure your light is as bright as possible. I hope I never do anything to dull it.

I love you, my little dancing flame, and I always will.


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