Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Interview With Motomu Toriyama and Yuji Abe

The world of Nova Chrysalia has only 13 days until total annihilation, with the citizens of four distinct regions each experiencing the end of the world in unique ways. In Yusnaan, the setting for this sequence, the inhabitants have a hedonistic frame of mind: if the world is going to be destroyed soon then why not go out in style?

LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII will be released in March and I recently had the chance to sit down with Motomu Toriyama and Yuji Abe to talk all things Lightning.

The world of Nova Chrysalia has only 13 days until total annihilation, with the citizens of four distinct regions each experiencing the end of the world in unique ways. In Yusnaan, the setting for this sequence, the inhabitants have a hedonistic frame of mind: if the world is going to be destroyed soon then why not go out in style?

Against this background strides Lightning, a legendary warrior on a god-given mission to save the souls of mankind...

Motomu Toriyama is the Director of LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII and Yuji Abe is the Game Designer Director, so over to them:

Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII will be released February 14th 2014 for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

So what do you think of Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII? Let us know by leaving a comment below.


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