
Zohra Dawood

Director at the Centre for Unity in Diversity

Zohra Dawood is the Director at the Centre for Unity in Diversity. Prior to this, she was Chief Researcher for a land rights organisation and wrote widely on the issues of land reform and in particular on the restitution of land rights. Dawood was involved in drafting land legislation for the South African post-apartheid government. Her work with the Department of Land Affairs and Agriculture included policy formulation and implementation, including negotiations and settlement of land claims. She was an advisor to former President Nelson Mandela and his cabinet and worked for the Department of Defence in drafting their legislation and policies on land and environment. In mid-1999, Dawood joined the Open Society Foundation for South Africa as the Deputy Executive Director, and in June 2001, she was promoted to the position of Executive Director. She headed up the Open Society Institute [OSI] New York’s efforts in Indonesia as Country Director. Dawood is involved internationally in the major issues related to human rights and international justice, social, economic, legal reform and the promotion of independent media. She has a degree in African Government and Administration and a Master’s Degree in Economic History. She is a Fellow of the Aspen Institute.

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