As far as teenagers go, I was pretty diabolical.
I had a bad attitude, thought I knew better than everyone and made no secret of being perpetually mortified by my parents behaviour.
So bad was my embarrassment that when my dad dropped me off to school in his clapped-out old car, I would lay down on the backseats and make him drop me up off the road so no one would see, then I'd slide out the car and on to the pavement, acting like I didn't know who he was. Put simply: I was a bitch.
I'd like to think, at the grand old age of 27, that I'd outgrown the built-in dread I felt anytime my parents drew attention to themselves - but unfortunately, it seems I'm still hot-wired to glow red.
The only difference is that now I kind of love them for all of their cringe-worthy traits. So here are (just a few) of the most embarrassing things parents do...
They try to make BFFs with all your friends
...and want to beat up any new boyfriend
They make stupid comments about technology in public
...and like ALL of your Facebook photos
They try to be down with the kids getting drunk (a lot)
...and dressing like you and your siblings
Sometimes they treat you too much like a friend (save me the sex stories)
...but most of the time you're still their baby (and you kind of like it that way)
HuffPost UK Lifestyle are running a month-long campaign called Celebrating Parents throughout June, to highlight the great things parents do every day, as well as the times they've gone above and beyond the call of duty.
If you would like to contribute, either with a special message of thanks to your mum and/or dad, or if you know of a parent (your own or someone else's) with an inspiring story to share, then please email us here with "Celebrating Parents" in your email's subject line.