My obsession with America started in my early teens, through my love of Abercrombie tracksuit bottoms, anything that said 'Return to Tiffany' on it, crappy US sitcoms, and peanut butter Oreos (which I will hereby refer to going forward as PBO's for no other reason than that I can't be bothered to keep typing it out).
Luckily as the years went on most of my Stateside loves made their way across the pond to us here in the UK, but unfortunately the PBO's were the exception. Perhaps they didn't travel well. Either way, I was pretty sad they never made it onto our supermarket shelves, but hey, life goes on.
These days, my obsessions for baggy track pants and jewellery that looks like it was made for dogs have been replaced by new (and I would hope, slightly classier) obsessions for J Crew, Anthropologie and jewellery that I can't afford, but my undying love of anything filled with peanut butter (and crappy US sitcoms) still remain.
These peanut butter Raweos are, in my humble opinion, a squillion times better than their unhealthy counterparts. They only have SIX ingredients (that's 17 less than the PBOs' 23) and there's nothing genetically modified about them (if you check the back of a PBO packet you'll see that a number of their ingredients are GM - scary).
These little delights are packed with protein and good fats, and are great for a little energy boost.
For the 'biscuit'
- 1 cup cashews
- 1 cup dates
- 3 tbsp cacao powder
For the filling
- 4 tbsp peanut butter
- 4 tbsp almond milk
- 1 tsp maple syrup
Combine the cashews, dates and cacao powder in a food processor and whizz until the ingredients form a sticky mixture. Shape them into round discs and pop them in the freezer while you make the filling.
For the filling, simply whizz up the ingredients in a food processor, then create the Raweos by spreading the filling onto half of the discs and sandwiching the other halves on top. Store them in the fridge or freezer and enjoy!
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