Alec Baldwin Asks Melania Trump To 'Come To The Light' And Do 'SNL'

"We will welcome you as a hero in ways you never imagined possible," he quips.

Donald Trump's alter ego, actor Alec Baldwin, invited Melania Trump to "come, come to the light" and appear on "Saturday Night Live" with him.

Baldwin tweeted the invitation on Saturday in the wake of an uproar over the bizarre jacket the U.S. first lady wore on Thursday to visit immigrant children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border by her husband's policies. A large message on the back of the jacket said: "I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?"

Many thought it was incredibly callous, while some Trump critics hoped it was somehow a dig at the president. (Trump said it was a criticism of the "fake news" media).

Baldwin apparently read it as a strike for independence — or maybe his invitation was just a goof. He has claimed that a source told him the first lady loves his impersonation of her husband.

Baldwin's tweet was written like a note, beginning "Dear Melania." We "know what you're thinking," he said. "You are ... shuddering w[ith] a strange, newfound courage. Come. Come over to the light .... do SNL w[ith] me."

A second tweet included a 2007 photo of himself with the former supermodel and said: "We have a chair waiting for you in the NBC-SNL make-up room."

Some responding to the tweet thought the idea was "brilliant" and "priceless." But most weren't hopeful that the first lady was yearning to break free. They called her complicit with the Trump administration. And some reminded Baldwin that she supported her husband's racist "birther" conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born in Africa and not Hawaii.


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