Ben Affleck Jokes After Bizarre Interview, Where He Slurred Words And Dropped 18 F-Bombs

The 'Fargo' star got hot under the collar on the subject of 'Deflategate'.

Ben Affleck has joined in the social commentary of his own bizarre appearance on a US chat show, in which he apparently slurred his words and dropped the F-bomb a surprising 18 times.

The subject that caused such passions from the 'Fargo' star? The hot topic of 'Deflategate' - the scandal over the size of the ball used in the NFL by New England Patriots star Tom Brady, amidst allegations of tampering.

Taking part on sports chat show 'Any Given Wednesday', Ben was clearly incensed by the subject of his pal Tom being requested to hand over his mobile phone to investigating authorities - he got red in the face, he started slurring his words, and swore an astonishing 18 times in total.

While his interviewer Ben Simmons struggled not to laugh, viewers quickly voiced their feelings on social media, suggesting Ben went home and dried out.

Ben swiftly joined in the commentary, tweeting to his followers afterwards:

His posts garnered huge amounts of appreciative support, including a significant amount of non-Pats fans.

And he's a brand new member of our favourite slideshow, interviews that warrant repeated viewing for all the wrong reasons...

Tap the first picture below to open the slideshow:


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