'Celebrity Big Brother' Bosses Accused Of Keeping Fans In Dark Over Jedward's Behaviour

The two have apparently been warned for their use of slurs.

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ housemates Jedward have certainly been winding their housemates up over the past few weeks, but it seems viewers are being kept in the dark about the full extent of their behaviour.

According to the Daily Star, the two have received “numerous warnings” about their actions throughout the series, which has included taking off their microphones to conspire against their housemate, and repeatedly using the derogatory slur “retard”.

The newspaper has also claimed that the twins are fuelling rumours that Bianca Gascoigne and Jamie O’Hara are doing a lot more than kissing in the toilet, alleging that there are “condoms missing”.

Jedward row with their fellow contestants
Jedward row with their fellow contestants

Elsewhere, it’s been claimed that bosses also chose not to show scenes of Calum Best and James Jordan almost coming to blows, with Calum reminding his housemate: “We can’t fight in here.”

A representative for ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ declined to comment when approached by HuffPost UK.


Jedward’s behaviour has rubbed plenty of their housemates up the wrong way in the past few weeks, and over the weekend, they lost an ally in Calum Best, after criticising him for nominating them.

They’ve also riled Nicola McLean, who accused John of deliberately intimidating her during a row after the latest eviction.

Nicola, Jedward and Calum are all facing the final eviction of the series, with Kim Woodburn and Jamie O’Hara also potentially facing the chop.

Last year, ‘CBB’ was criticised by fans for leaving out several important scenes, including Stephen Bear receiving several warnings from producers, and Christopher Biggins making an anti-Semitic joke towards fellow housemate Katie Waissel.


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