22 Already-Iconic Moments From Kim Woodburn's Epic 'Celebrity Big Brother' Meltdown

'What a bunch of chinless wonders.'

In case you hadn’t heard, it all kicked off on ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ on Wednesday (18 January) night, as Kim Woodburn flew off the handle at the rest of the housemates.

And we don’t think we’re exaggerating when we say it’s probably the most shocking five minutes of reality TV since the whole “David’s dead” debacle from last year’s series.

A pretty bold statement, we’re sure you agree, but here are 22 reasons why it is already iconic...

1. Despite spending most of the evening bickering with her housemates, Kim still reckoned she’d had a lovely old time

2. But then things quickly turned sour when Bianca told Calum off for talking to Kim

3. She really meant business

4. Kim then promised that if the girls wanted “trouble” (which she didn’t, apparently), they were going to get it in...

5. Kim then obviously used her favourite word to describe them

We had literally never heard that term until a week ago, but we’re glad we now have it in our lives.

6. Coleen’s face literally said it all as she tried to escape the carnage

7. When Nicola chipped in, Kim continued to call her by the wrong name throughout their exchange

Channel 5

It’s not like she’s been living with her for a week or anything.

8. Nicola (or should that be Nicole?) having to cover her eye while raging at Kim also added something extra special to proceedings

9. As other housemates got involved, Kim delivered of one the best pâté-based insults we’ve ever heard

What’s she got against pâté?

10. Of course, no Kim Woodburn rant would be complete without her repeatedly telling people to...

Channel 5

11. Then she turned on Jamie

12. And when she continued on the theme of chicken livers, Jamie saw red

“Chicken-livered bugger” is much worse than “washed-up footballer”, we suppose.

13. Spencer was also all of us when he jumped up so he could follow the commotion

Don’t deny it - we’ve all done it.

14. Enter security stage right, just as Kim uttered:

A phrase that is not used enough, we’re sure you’ll agree.

15. She then tried to have a little chinwag with one of the guards

16. We don’t think she’d thought this comeback through when Jamie told her he “wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire”...

Channel 5

That’s not quite how it works, Kim.

17. But then she did follow it up with...

Feel the burrrrrn.

18. Then followed a tussle

Let’s hope that jacket was waterproof.

19: Which sparked this genius meme:

"I just want to go in and get my friend. I'm not staying." pic.twitter.com/9F9tB9Ce05

— David (@theboywhoslept) January 18, 2017

20. Ultimately, she failed to overcome the security guard

21. And then turned all butter-wouldn’t-melt, as she looked for sympathy

22. And her final words?


Although we have to admit, it still felt like there was one thing missing...

A missed opportunity.

Watch the full thing in all its glory in the video below:

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ airs nightly on Channel 5.


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