Charities Could Be Hit By ‘Devastating’ Cyber Attacks, Warns New Report

'Many charities may not realise how vulnerable they are to the threat.'
Carl Court via Getty Images

The UK’s charities could be at risk from a series of devastating cyber attacks, intelligence officials from the National Cyber Security Centre have warned.

With around 200,000 charities registered in the UK, each one contains vast amounts of personal data and payment information on those that support them. This in turn makes them a huge target for the next wave of cyber crime.

In one case a charity lost £13,000 after its chief executive’s email was hacked.

Charities: what does the cyber threat look like? Check out our assessment of the sector

— NCSC UK (@ncsc) March 1, 2018

In a new report,Experts at the centre – which is part of intelligence agency GCHQ – said charities are falling victim to a range of malicious activity – although the scale is unclear because of under-reporting.

The report said: “The NCSC believe there is considerable variation in charities’ understanding, approach to and application of cyber security.

“Some charities are aware their data is sensitive, valuable and vulnerable to malicious cyber activity.

“We believe many, particularly smaller charities, do not realise this and do not perceive themselves as targets.”

Small Charities! Download, print out and stick up our latest infographic to help guard you from the most common cyber attacks

— NCSC UK (@ncsc) March 1, 2018

Fraud aimed at tricking employees with financial authority into transferring money is increasing, according to the report.

It highlighted one episode in which a charity lost £13,000 after the email of its CEO was hacked and a fraudulent message sent to its financial manager with instructions to release the funds.

Datasets containing personal details and financial information are an attractive target for criminals, the study noted.

It said: “Charity datasets may contain personally identifiable information of donors, trustees, patrons, partners, paid staff and volunteers.

“Some large charities hold several million donor records. The data may also include payment details relating to donations including card details.”

While cyber criminals are assessed as posing the greatest threat to the sector, charities are also seen as potentially attractive targets for nation states who “oppose or mistrust their activity”.

We are delighted to be working with @ncsc on the newly launched cyber security #charitiesguide:

— Charity Commission (@ChtyCommission) March 1, 2018

Alongside the threat assessment, the NCSC has published a guide outlining steps charities should follow to guard against attacks.

They include advice on passwords, backing up data and protecting systems from malware.

NCSC director for engagement Alison Whitney said: “Cyber attacks can be devastating both financially and reputationally, but many charities may not realise how vulnerable they are to the threat.

“That’s why we have created these quick and easy steps that will help charities protect themselves to protect their data, assets and reputation.”

Helen Stephenson, chief executive of the Charity Commission for England and Wales, said: “Charities play a vital role in our society and so the diversion of charitable funds or assets via cyber-crime for criminal purposes or personal gain is particularly damaging and shocking.

“The threat assessment confirms what we often see in our casework – unfortunately charities are not immune to fraud and cyber-crime, and there are factors that can sometimes increase their vulnerability such as a lack of digital expertise, limited resources and culture of trust.”


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