10 Animals To Look At While We Wait For The US Election Result

These cheery animals will put a smile on your face.

There’s a lot of waiting, plenty of tension and equal amounts of uncertainty right now. But don’t worry, we’ve found the perfect antidote: animals.

They are joyous, they are innocent, and they provide us with their company, love and adoration free of charge. In times of need, we turn to our non-human companions to see us through.

Here are some nice animal tweets, because everything’s a bit rubbish right now.

The happiest hug (we all need it right now).

good morning pic.twitter.com/cEnVZW9XMo

— Michael Chakraverty (@mschakraverty) October 25, 2020

Who knew the abyss was such a cutie?

Me: *stares into the abyss*
The abyss: pic.twitter.com/3Lpu8Y7aH3

— Nerd Ghoul Says (@Rachael_Conrad) September 18, 2020

This whole thread on doggy dating pics is sublime.

If your dog was on a dating website post a photo that would be their profile pic... pic.twitter.com/rQQH8rPMPG

— Reb (@RebsterW) October 7, 2020

Definitive proof cats are actually gods.

Took a pic of the cat lookin out the window and accidentally turned him into some sort of god. pic.twitter.com/xjN4W6peSJ

— Amanda (@amandahys7) October 1, 2020

Teeny dog’s first pub outing goes down a storm.

Took Doug to the pub for the first time today and managed to take my favourite series of photos ever. pic.twitter.com/UeT7wAvYih

— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) October 23, 2020

What happens when two dogs go trick or treating?

All I can offer at this time is more dog nonsense. pic.twitter.com/NiUMbVxUjG

— Andrew Cotter (@MrAndrewCotter) October 31, 2020

Introducing the most cordial colleague.

Have been back online for 1 day after annual leave and Twitter is already bringing my mood down. So here’s a photo of my neighbour’s cat to combat the gloom. He has a habit of shimmying through open windows/doors to say hi 👋 (Genuine question: do cats have to follow lockdown?!) pic.twitter.com/PVZAti9gj3

— Rachel Moss (@rachelmoss_) November 2, 2020

This award-winning photo of a tiger hugging a tree is all kinds of peaceful.

Winner of Wildlife Photographer of the year 2020: ‘Embrace’

What an incredible photo pic.twitter.com/7KBfNzm1oM

— Roshana Mehdian-Staffell (@RoshanaMN) October 14, 2020

This moggy knows how to rhyme.

Results are in
There's no dispute
I can confirm
I have a snoot pic.twitter.com/REYAQktUF9

— Curious Zelda (@CuriousZelda) November 3, 2020

And who could forget, the Paddington pom?

Someone dressed a Pomeranian dog up as Paddington Bear and now the world seems a slightly better place to be in than it did yesterday... pic.twitter.com/OZKtYeHA3Q

— The Sociable Social Worker (@SociableSocialW) October 30, 2020