5 Cute Animal Pictures To End The Week: Spaghetti Cat And Award-Winning Doggos

Internet gold.

This week has been another corker when it comes to the animal kingdom, with our favourite story without a doubt being that goats are drawn to humans with happy facial expressions.

There are plenty of other four-legged stars deserving of your attention and what better time to read about them than on a Friday morning when you’d otherwise be working? Procrastination at its finest.

1. The dog who ain’t about the hugs.

Mr Bubz (great name) and James Penland were filmed having a little cuddle earlier this week. But while it looks like James is having a blast, Mr Bubz’s face paints another picture entirely. Of course, it went viral. Prepare to howl.

2. The spaghetti thief.

Margaret Middleton’s girlfriend had left her pasta alone for a matter of seconds but it was plenty of time for their hungry cat The Banshee to jump into her seat and start chowing down on spaghetti.

Margaret, who works in a museum, tweeted a photo hilariously captioned: “The photojournalist’s dilemma: save your girlfriend’s pasta or get the shot of a lifetime?” We’re glad Margaret opted for the latter.

The photojournalist's dilemma: save your girlfriend's pasta or get the shot of a lifetime? pic.twitter.com/ESBf56hvkV

— Margaret Middleton (@magmidd) August 28, 2018

3. This friendly birb.

Alex Parker shared a heartwarming thread on Twitter recently about a friend he’d made in his garden. In short, Henry is a blue jay who was just a baby when he first started visiting Alex. Over the days to come, Alex fed and watered the young bird and they became quite good pals - with Henry even monitoring Alex’s construction projects. Henry visits the garden less nowadays, but still stops by every now and then.

Alex said: “Henry’s grown from scruffy fledgling asking for water to an independent birb.” Proud dad alert.

Hello Twitter. Today I would like to tell you about Henry. pic.twitter.com/3yCFuFrfBD

— Alex Parker (@Alex_Parker) August 27, 2018

4. This dog propping up the bar.

We’re going to let the picture do the talking on this one.

My dog just posts up like he’s in the club judging ppl pic.twitter.com/7dECkhW7qY

— BV (@bvbillionaire) August 23, 2018

5. These award-winning doggos.

In October, two dogs from Greater Manchester Fire and Service are set to receive the animal equivalent of an OBE by charity PDSA, for their years of outstanding devotion and service to society. Yellow Labradors Echo (aged 14) and Cracker (aged 13) will receive the PDSA Order of Merit. 14/10 would pet.


Want your pet to appear in next week’s cute animals round up? Send your pet’s photo to natasha.hinde@huffpost.com with a brief explanation as to why they deserve to be featured.
