Cyclist 'Squirted Water At Uber Taxi Driver, Called Him A C***, Damaged Car Then Hospitalised Him'

'This guy did NOT deserve what happened to him.'
Roman Road in East London, where the altercation between the cycling at the cabbie took place (file photo)
Roman Road in East London, where the altercation between the cycling at the cabbie took place (file photo)
Google Maps

A man has revealed how his commute into work turned into a nightmare taxi ride, after his driver was hospitalised in a road rage fight with a cyclist.

Richard Beech, editor of British Men’s website, described the incredible incident on Twitter that began in the most innocent of circumstances - when he was running late for work.

I was running late for work this morning, so I decided to get an Uber, it's only £8 from my house to my office

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

Beech said the journey began as normal, with cabbie and passenger chatting about football.

The guy turns up, he's a nice guy, we're talking about football, everything is fine

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

But things got more dramatic when a “swarm” of cyclists surrounded the car as it was driving down a busy street in Tower Hamlets, London.

Then we get onto Roman Road, and cyclists are clusterfucking this guy like I've never seen before. It's like a swarm of bees

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

Beech described the agitator who sparked a conflict as “dressed like he’s about to win the fucking Tour de France” and accused him of deliberately “snaking” down the road.

This one guy, who's dressed like he's about to win the fucking Tour de France is snaking around the road, so the Uber guy can't overtake him

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

Things escalated when both taxi and bike pulled up to a set of traffic lights, after the driver managed to overtake.

Uber guy eventually overtakes, & the cyclist pulls up alongside him at the lights & calls him a "twat", then squirts his water bottle in car

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

I'm covered in water, so is the driver, and the cyclist speeds off. Unfortunately he speeds off on the same route as us

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

I tell the Uber driver to leave it, there's no way this can end well for him. Eventually we overtake cyclist again

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

But they soon got worse.

Beech accused the unknown cyclist of smashing off the taxi’s wing-mirror and using his bike to carve a dent in the side of the Uber.

The cyclist catches up when we're in traffic, uses his bike to carve a dent in the side of the Uber, and smashes the wing mirror off

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

Sparking an immediate altercation.

Cyclist makes the mistake of stopping and saying "how do you like it now, c*nt". Faster than a cheetah, Uber man is out the car

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

The taxi driver grabbed his aggressor’s bike to stop him escaping, and the pair began fighting in the middle of the street.

Grabs the guy's bike so he can't run away, and they are fighting in the middle of the street in Shoreditch

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

Beech was left to phone the police, and details how the cyclist - “a big city boy type” - had his Uber driver pinned to the ground.

I phone the police, and while I'm on the phone, the cyclist, who is a big guy, city boy type, has the Uber driver down on the floor

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

Just as police arrived, Beech claimed, the cyclist escaped, leaving the taxi driver with a dislocated shoulder.

Police turn up, and the cyclist fucking hightails it, Uber man has dislocated shoulder, and is taken to hospital after we give a statement

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

After finally making it into work, Beech revealed an unexpected and unpleasant surprise.

Anyway, I walk to work from there. Hoping the guy's ok.

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

Two hours later my phone buzzes. What's this?! It's a bill for a 90 minute long Uber trip from my house to the fucking hospital.

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

He said after that he did not want to “escalate” the situation with Uber and so would pay the 90-minute fare.

I don't want to escalate this with Uber because this guy did NOT deserve what happened to him. So I think I'm just going to leave it.

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016

And when asked how many stars he gave the driver, Beech admitted:

Five. I'm such a soppy twat.

— Richard Beech (@BeechardRich) September 20, 2016



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