Father Who Babysat Daughter's Doll At Work Is Giving Us Serious Dad Goals

What his daughter wanted, his daughter got.

When this dad's daughter asked him to babysit her doll, rather than fob her off with an excuse, he followed her instructions to the letter.

Trent McCain's nine-year-old daughter Joselyn decided she wanted her dad to babysit his "grandchild" for a day (and she wouldn't take no for an answer).

"This morning before I leave, she reminds me I'm babysitting today and being the good 'Grandpa', I agree to take her," McCain wrote on Facebook sharing the hilarious story.

"We decided to have a little fun and post pictures of our travels."

McCain, who runs a trucking company in Colby in the US, said he didn't want his daughter thinking he just threw Abbie in the back of his car and forgot about her.

So, staying true to his promise, he snapped photos of the pair on their adventures - from checking the load on the truck to having a lunch break together.

"Abbie and grandpa have had a good day," McCain wrote. "And glad we could bring a little entertainment to our friends."

The adventures have gone down a storm on Facebook and have been shared nearly 90,000 times in six days.

And judging by the 23,000 comments - people loved hearing about the adventures.

Here are a few things they got up to:

Sitting in the back seat of the truck while grandpa drove.

Having snacks during the road trip.

Having cuddles.

Playing with wheat.

Loading the corn.

Peak dad goal = reached.

Before You Go
