‘Pretty Nasty’: Looks Like Trump Is Pissed At Megyn Kelly All Over Again

That didn't last long...

Donald Trump has added Megyn Kelly to the list of women he deems “nasty.”

The former president lashed out at the conservative commentator after their interview for SiriusXM, which aired earlier this month.

“Boy, she became nastier all of a sudden,” Trump said of Kelly at a campaign event in Iowa on Wednesday. “She was pretty nasty, didn’t you think, anyone that watched it.”

The interview was mostly quite friendly, though Kelly challenged Trump on a few issues, including his handling of classified documents and failure to comply with a government subpoena to return them. Those actions led to one of four indictments against Trump.

Kelly apparently overestimated Trump’s ability to cope with any remotely unfriendly questions.

She said on Newsmax after the interview that she and Trump had a “complicated” relationship, but “we both respect each other,” likening herself and the former president to “two silverback gorillas.”

“He knows, even though I like him, I have to ask him tough questions ― that’s my job. And I know that even though he’s inclined to like me, he’s still ticked off about that debate question,” she said.

Megyn Kelly did a friendly interview with Trump last week in which she praised his “good genes”, but apparently Trump still doesn't like her: “She was pretty nasty, don't you think?” pic.twitter.com/WGrNKenLux

— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) September 20, 2023

Their interview came eight years after a very public spat between the two, which ignited at a 2015 Republican presidential debate.

As moderator of the debate, Kelly, who worked for Fox News at the time, rattled off misogynistic things Trump had said about women, and asked him: “Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?”

Trump hit back with a sexist tirade the following day.

“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her ― wherever,” he told CNN.

Back in July, Kelly had said the whole feud was water under the bridge, gushing that they had a “one-on-one together for the first time in years” at a conservative conference in Florida.

She said he “could not have been more magnanimous,” “nicer or more generous.”


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