Everyone Is Stunned By This Dyslexia Poem Written By A 10-Year-Old

"Made this grown man cry. I've read it over 20 times."

A 10-year-old who wrote a poem about dyslexia has stunned the internet with her words – and people are calling for her work to be published.

Teacher Jane Broadis said her Year 6 class were learning about poems that could be read both backwards and forwards to produce a different meaning.

They were all asked to write their own, and she was stunned by a pupil who chose to write about dyslexia.

“Please share,” Broadis tweeted. “I would love her work to be appreciated further afield. I wonder if it could even find a publisher?”

Today in Y6 we looked at poems that could be read forwards & backwards. I was stunned by this one written by one of my 10 year olds. Please share - I would love her work to be appreciated further afield. I wonder if it could even find a publisher? pic.twitter.com/tmEQpiRrhq

— Jane Broadis (@Jb5Jane) February 27, 2019

Broadis’ tweet had nearly 90,000 likes, and 27,000 retweets in a single day and people have been touched by the 10-year-old’s words.

Wonderful! I was called stupid by my year 6 teacher. 3 years later diagnosed with Dyslexia.
We just see things others can not.

— John Hendrick (@John84Hendrick) February 27, 2019

Made this grown man cry. I must have read it over twenty times already.

— James Simporis (@simporis) February 27, 2019

As the mother of a dyslexic son, this speaks volumes to me. Just beautiful x

— Tracy B (@mrsb2205) February 27, 2019

Thank u for sharing my D’ter is dyslexic and it took me months and months to get anyone to acknowledge there was a problem. I wish she had u as a teacher

— Suhi (@Suhi43969762) February 27, 2019

Others are trying to help the teacher get the poem published.

You could contact @PoetryZone for inclusion on their website? https://t.co/ytpQ0CoFDs

— Red Bus Zeal (@Londinium_Life) February 27, 2019

Jane, I am in the process of writing a book about dyslexic children and their families! I would love to include this poem in the book!

— Peggy Webb Hendrix (@PWebbHendrix) February 27, 2019

Jane, from time to time I read out poems on my radio show on @blackcat107fm - which is a community radio station in St Neots in Cambridgeshire. I'd like to read this poem out tomorrow morning. Let me know what you think. Ste x

— Ste Greenall (@StevoGreenall) February 27, 2019

Even kids’ presenters Dick and Dom have got involved:

This is brilliant!

— Dick and Dom (@dickndom) February 27, 2019

The poem in full:


I am stupid.

Nobody would ever say

I have a talent for words

I was meant to be great.

That is wrong

I am a failure.

Nobody could ever convince me to think that

I can make it in life.

(Now read up).
