Telford Junior School Plans To Swap School Uniform For Tracksuit Bottoms And Hoodies

The school believes the change in uniform will support their active curriculum.
Xose Manuel Casal Luis via Getty Images

A junior school has put forward proposals to scrap school uniform in favour for tracksuit bottoms and hoodies to make it more suitable for the “active curriculum”.

Telford Junior School in Leamington Spa sent out a letters to parents to gauge their opinions on the new uniform. It would consist of a sports top with the school logo, tracksuit bottoms in school colours, trainers, and a hoodie/zip-up hoodie with the school logo.

“This uniform would be worn throughout the day, without the need to change into games kit for PE/games lessons,” the letter read. “The advantages of this arrangement are it supports our active curriculum; simplifies the school uniform; reduces cost to families; supports personal organisation and overcomes the issue of changing in school.”


The school also stated that having this uniform would save valuable lesson time, reduce lost property and overcome the issue of dirty unwashed games kits at school.

Headteacher Richard Siviter wrote: “I would like to give parents/carers the opportunity to comment on the proposal. We shall also be consulting with the children in school, to gain the ‘Pupil Voice’.”

Commenting on Facebook, one parent wrote: “Can you imagine the smell in the classroom as all the children sit in class in the same kit after games all day? Pity the poor teachers as the pong of sweaty unwashed children permeate[s] the classroom.”

However another parent liked the idea, writing: “I think it’s a great idea. People who are comfortable will learn better than people who are not.”

A statement released by the school said, according to the BBC: “National research has shown active children do better: better academic performance, better behaviour, better health and learn better habits for their future lives”.

HuffPost UK has contacted Telford Junior School for further comment and will update this piece when they respond.

What do you think about ditching school uniform for a tracksuit? Let us know by emailing or comment below.
