‘Emmerdale’: James Barton Dies As Super Soap Week Comes To An End


Our hearts were in our mouths during Friday’s (21 October) ‘Emmerdale’, which saw James Barton’s death finish off a seriously emotional week for soap fans.

Bill Ward’s character died in hospital, with his family watching, after a week that’s seen everything from dead chickens and an ‘80s wedding dress, to a proposal and 15 car pile-up.

All decisions are final. The end. #NoReturn #Emmerdale pic.twitter.com/PeC7O7xTzm

— Emmerdale (@emmerdale) October 21, 2016

The lives of three characters - James, Rhona Goskirk and Aaron Dingle - were left hanging in the balance following Thursday’s dramatic car crash and the Barton boys are now set for more trauma as they learn to cope without their dad.

They aren’t the only ones who face tough times ahead though, as Ashley Thomas has been left desperately trying to remember why he caused the accident.

But one person is hoping the former vicar’s memory never recovers, as if it does, she’ll be in the firing line. Yes, we mean Emma Barton.

Meanwhile Rhona faces a long recovery, following her injuries, while Danny Miller’s character Aaron was (briefly) just about well enough to accept his partner Robert Sugden’s marriage proposal.

Bring on the Robron wedding, we say. And a nice cup of tea. All this action has really taken it out of us.

Catch up on all the latest soap news and spoilers here.


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