Helen Skelton On Pressure To Be A 'Perfect Mum' After Son Was Told To Leave Nursery

'Thank God, it’s not just me.'

Helen Skelton has spoken out about the stress of being a mother after her son was banned from playgroup.

The 33-year-old tweeted in January 2017 about her one-year-old son Ernie being asked to leave nursery in France after he had a tantrum.

Speaking about the event, she told The Mirror: “I had loads of women message me and say: ‘That exact thing happened to me’.

“That’s so nice as we’re all under pressure to be amazing mums. If my tweet made one stressed out mum somewhere say, ‘Thank God, it’s not just me’, then that’s amazing.”

Worldie xxxx #family #babyboy

A post shared by Helen Skelton (@helenskelton) on

At the time, Skelton tweeted a photo of her son asleep in the car behind her with the caption: “Worst day of my parenting life. Asked to leave [playgroup] after 20 mins.

“Screamed the place down screaming his version of ‘Mama let’s go!’ constantly.”

Skelton was inundated with support on Twitter, from her fans who are parents reminding her it will get better.

@HelenSkelton we've all been there! ✊🏻power on mumma. Wine and/or chocolate after bedtime!

— Daisy Upton (@daisyupton) January 30, 2017

@HelenSkelton I had the same with my youngest. Now he gets upset when I pick him up as he doesn't want to leave! They all settle eventually!

— Andrew Kinder (@kinder_egg) January 30, 2017

@HelenSkelton it gets easier I promise! Poppy loves nursery now but she would scream her little heart out and it would upset me so badly Xx

— Victoria Kopczak (@victoriakopczak) January 30, 2017

Skelton said that receiving support from other parents on Twitter was a huge “reassurance” for her as a mum.
