A five-year-old girl who decided to channel her individuality and wear a hot dog costume to her dance school's "princess day" has inspired people around the world.
Ainsley was dressed head-to-toe in the hot dog suit, complete with mustard sauce, while the other dancers wore a range of pink and blue frilly dresses.
After Ainsley's dance teacher, Sarah Nativi, posted a photo of the class online, #hotdogprincess began trending on Twitter with people calling Ainsley a "hero".
"Ainsley loves princesses, but she wanted to be original and wear a hot dog costume instead,” her teacher Nativi told BuzzFeed News.
“She wore a princess costume underneath it and said she was a princess on the inside!”
Since #hotdogprincess has started trending worldwide, people have been using it as a symbol of "being yourself" and not following the crowd.
Ainsley's dad took to Twitter on 2 June to confirm it was all his daughter's own idea.
"No parent is ready to learn that their daughter is trending," Brandon Turner wrote.
"#hotdogprincess Best part is it was all her idea!"
Turner then recalled a conversation he had with his daughter about the costume.
"Why did you want to be a hot dog? Because it's my favourite costume," he tweeted.
So for those needing a little lesson in individuality, just follow in Hot Dog Princess' mustardy footsteps.
Hot dog princess, you've inspired us all.