16 Tweets That Speak The Truth About Being An Introvert

"Whenever I get an Uber driver 'known for great conversation', my inner introvert dies a little..."

If you’re an introvert, you value your alone time. You tend to think before you speak. You’d much rather socialise one-on-one than in a group. A phone call is probably your worst nightmare. But most of all, you are silently strong.

It can be tough to prefer being alone in a world that values gregariousness and sociability. But take heart, quiet types: Twitter has your back. Each month, we round up spot-on tweets that capture what it’s like to be an introvert. Scroll down for our latest batch.


Definitely had way too much to drink when I started calling people instead of texting.

— Introvert Life (@IntrovertLiving) March 2, 2019


Umm, yeah, definitely... #introvert #introvertlife #introvertproblems pic.twitter.com/2sXUUT0sTJ

— Introvert, Dear (@IntrovertDear) February 2, 2019


This just happened to my friend’s mom! Has it ever happened to you? Cartoon from my book Text Don’t Call: An Illustrated Guide to the Introverted Life, available on https://t.co/rNYJglpgFt. #introvert #introvertproblems #textdontcall pic.twitter.com/gVRnOJz9VK

— INFJoe (@INFJoe) February 12, 2019


Life as an introvert:

- I love people
- People scare me
- Please invite me to your party
- I hate parties

— Samuel Dunsiger (@samdunsiger) February 25, 2019


Extroverts when you explain to them why you like being alone#introvertproblems pic.twitter.com/VHUDwqkYu2

— the introverted (@introvertedph) February 22, 2019


“Ok, so we’re just going to go round the room and...”
*heart rate doubles* #introvertproblems

— Rob A🏴 (@aldersmma) February 24, 2019


I know it's an extrovert's world, but I just went to the library and supermarket and thanks to machines didn't have to engage with a single person the whole time so I suspect the introverts are quietly taking over the world.

— sarah elwell (@SarahElwell_) February 21, 2019


Anyone else getting WILD tonight? 😊#introvert #introvertlife #introvertproblems pic.twitter.com/jsCwduL3rW

— Introvert, Dear (@IntrovertDear) February 22, 2019



Adulting is when you are excited that plans got cancelled so you can stay in and sleep

— Adulting (@aduItprobs) March 3, 2019



“Do you wanna come back to my place?”
- Me talking to books at Barnes & Noble#introvertproblems #IntrovertLife

— Introvert's Guide to Life (@IntrovertsGTL) February 26, 2019


Introverts are like a slow website. They might be the coolest site, but usually people don’t wait that long for them to open.

— Shower Thoughts (@TheWeirdWorld) February 23, 2019


Introverts #AreMyKindOfPeople pic.twitter.com/L05Hq03HFn

— Hilarious Henrietta (@stickcandy54) March 1, 2019


Would rather stay lost than ask for directions.

— Introvert Life (@IntrovertLiving) February 28, 2019


Whenever I get an Uber driver “Known for great conversation”, my inner introvert dies a little...

— Kari Wahlgren (@KariWahlgren) March 3, 2019