Jacob Rees Mogg Rambles About Weetabix And Beans As Pandemic Rages On

Good thing there's nothing more important to be talking about right now.

It turns out nowhere is safe from the fallout of a viral marketing stunt, not even the House of Commons during a deadly pandemic.

When Weetabix shared a picture of their cereal covered in baked beans on Twitter as part of an advertising campaign, the internet went predictably and tediously wild.

Despite being a disgusting combination (we’re not getting into an argument about this, it’s gross), suddenly we were bombarded with beans-on-bix content as brand after brand (and also the official account for Israel) piled into the replies.

Why should bread have all the fun, when there's Weetabix? Serving up @HeinzUK Beanz on bix for breakfast with a twist. #ItHasToBeHeinz #HaveYouHadYourWeetabix pic.twitter.com/R0xq4Plbd0

— Weetabix (@weetabix) February 9, 2021

Turns out it also caught the attention of Tory MP for Kettering, Philip Hollobone.

But rather than scroll on, or give it a little retweet with the vomit emoji, he apparently decided it would be a great topic for “light relief” in the House of Commons, where apparently there was nothing more pressing going on.

Turning to leader of the house Jacob Rees-Mogg, Hollobone described the discourse around the tweet as “one of the debates that has been dividing the nation this week”, adding that it was “perhaps even more divisive than Brexit has been over the years”.

The immediate run-up to the Brexit referendum saw an MP, Jo Cox, murdered by a far-right terrorist who disagreed with her support for remaining in the European Union.

During the session, held weekly to give MPs a chance to ask for a Commons debate to be held, Hollobone asked: “May we have a debate on breakfast cereals and their contribution to a healthy diet, so we can all arrive at the shared position that, with whatever it is served, Weetabix is a great British breakfast cereal [fact check: while Weetabix is produced in the UK, it is actually an imitation of Australian cereal Weet-Bix], fully worthy of promotion.”

Weetabix with baked beans: a debate "more divisive than Brexit"?

Commons leader Jacob Rees-Mogg calls the combo "utterly disgusting" instead preferring "nanny's homemade marmalade on toast" https://t.co/tKukXyb0Ol pic.twitter.com/hikUhtTYuE

— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) February 11, 2021

Somehow managing to include the cursed phrase “nanny’s homemade marmalade”, Rees-Mogg took the opportunity to respond and really ran with it.

He said: “As they used to say ‘Weetabix are unbeatabix’. My personal preference, if I were to eat Weetabix, is not with baked beans – which I’ve always thought are absolutely disgusting.

“There was an advert, well, I’m sorry if I’ve upset the makers of baked beans, there was a saying which is desperately politically incorrect nowadays – so I hope [shadow Commons leader Valerie Vaz] will forgive me – their advertising slogan: ‘A million housewives every day pick up a can of beans and say Beanz Meanz Heinz.’

“But when I was a child this was corrupted to: ’A million housewives every day pick up a can of beans and say: ‘Yuck, throw them away.’ I’m sorry – that has always been my view of baked beans.”

In a week where thousands more people have died of Covid-19 – 114,851 people in total since the start of the pandemic – many have pointed out that the House of Commons probably isn’t the time or place for Weetabix banter.

We have one of the worst death rates in the world, thousands of people have lost their jobs and many are struggling to pay for basic necessities with more than 70,000 households being made homeless since the start of the pandemic. But no, you debate about Weetabix and beans x https://t.co/qytjOGH35e

— Bhav (@bhavreetkd) February 11, 2021

Nice to see they can just fuck about while the country rapidly descends into the worst shape its been. And we're paying them for this https://t.co/Fmtf8lQdpR

— Craigus Mccraigy (@bucksatan666) February 11, 2021

Nothing beats nonsense parliamentary breakfast chat for a bit of "light relief" from a pandemic https://t.co/DPMqKmYyva

— Nathan Standley (@nathan_standley) February 11, 2021

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