Jameela Jamil Blasts 'Dumb Conspiracy Theories' After Viral Instagram Posts About Past Ailments

The Good Place star has spoken out after one Instagram user called her past injuries and illnesses into question.

Jameela Jamil has shared her take on a string of viral Instagram posts suggesting she has been inconsistent in her accounts of past injuries and illnesses.

Earlier this week, an Instagram Story highlight from user @TracieMorrissey was widely shared on social media, featuring past quotes from Jameela, which she claimed contradicted one another.

Among them were accounts of an incident when she was hit by a car after being chased by a bee (which was referred to as a “swarm of bees” in later retellings), and an accident she had while filming with Olly Murs, which resulted in a number of injuries.

In another Story highlight, it was also suggested that Jameela has Munchausen (a mental disorder that sees people deliberately acting as if they have a physical or mental illness that they don’t actually have) or Somatic Symptom Disorder (a mental disorder which manifests as unexplainable physical symptoms), which has now prompted a response from the Good Place star.

Jameela Jamil
Jameela Jamil

First I’m lying about my sexuality, now I’m now being accused of munchausens?” she tweeted on Wednesday morning, referencing the criticism she faced last week after coming out as queer.

“By an unhinged idiot who didn’t even [realise] in all her ‘research’ that my car accident injury stories are ‘different’ because they were about TWO SEPARATE CAR ACCIDENTS 13 years apart? You can keep it.”

In a separate tweet, she continued: “Man, if as many people spent their time and energy helping others/fighting injustice as they do dragging and slandering people on the internet the world would be in such good shape.”

Jameela later insisted she was “not afraid of… your dumb internet conspiracy theories”, adding: “Keep them coming. You just add to my relevance.

“I’m gonna keep helping people with eating disorders, and changing laws and global policies to protect kids and their mental health and there’s NOTHING you can do about it.”

First I’m lying about my sexuality, now I’m now being accused of munchausens? By an unhinged idiot who didn’t even realize in all her “research” that my car accident injury stories are “different” because they were about TWO SEPARATE CAR ACCIDENTS 13 years apart? You can keep it. pic.twitter.com/KPuHbiyyhT

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome means always having people doubt your illness and injuries because you look okay. #edsawareness #itisntinyourhead #imsorrypeoplearedicks

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

Man, if as many people spent their time and energy helping others/fighting injustice as they do dragging and slandering people on the internet the world would be in such good shape. @BreneBrown wrote this beautiful sentence that gives me strength. pic.twitter.com/xG0mvUIeGX

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

Jameela has also been responding to individual Twitter users, who highlighted specific points of the viral Instagram Story highlight in question, including how she was able to enjoy some peanut butter-filled nuggets despite claiming she had a peanut allergy...

Yep. Mercury poisoning in my twenties. Had 11 fillings removed and my stomach lining was damaged for a decade. Got loads of weird food allergies that cleared up as I healed my gut. Next question.

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

...how she was able to continue filming with Olly Murs despite claiming she had broken her tooth, three ribs and suffered concussion...

Sure. Have you ever heard of adrenaline? I was able to keep filming for an hour after the accident. I didn’t know at the time I was concussed. I was in shock. I felt no pain. And stuck my tooth in with adhesive. I still have the cracked tooth. I never replaced it. Next question.

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

...her “chased by a bee” vs. “chased by a swarm of bees accounts”...

But like... there aren’t. My favourite being when she says I have two different stories about my car accident without realizing they are two different accidents... I mean what an idiot...

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

...and past comments about using a zimmerframe and wheelchair...

Wheelchair first. But lived on the second floor flat in a tiny appartment. So to actually get around I had to use a Zimmer frame. And then crutches. And then a stick. And then I was ok.

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

When one Twitter user questioned why Jameela had to “explain her life”, she responded: “It’s because of my skin colour and my gender.”

It’s because of my skin colour and my gender.

— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) February 12, 2020

On Tuesday, Jameela joked that she hoped to have a “calmer week” than the one before, as she reflected on the “clusterfuck” of having come out amid a backlash over her involvement in a new show about voguing.

“Well. Last week was a perfect clusterfuck,” she wrote. “It was completely overwhelming.”

Admitting she felt her timing was “bad”, “inappropriate” and “unfortunate’, Jameela continued: “The sequence of events was insane, a misunderstanding was left uncorrected for too long, and misinformation spread too far, too fast, then my timing was bad, and in a moment of distress and pain, personal things were blurted out because when you have a secret for decades and you’re traumati[s]ed, it always feels like it might just fucking burst out of you at any given moment, even the most inappropriate and unfortunate ones.

“I thankfully chose the *most* inappropriate and unfortunate time, maybe ever, for mine. So now you don’t have to feel embarrassed about yours. I PEAKED FOR ALL OF US!”


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